Her (Sammy's Version)

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January 2019

Virat excitingly tapped his foot on the carpet of the cab he was sitting in.

Today he was going to be meeting his best friend's first child. His niece and he couldn't be more excited.

He wondered, who would she look like, did she have her father's cheeks, her mother's smile, and their kind heart.

His heart swooned in love, he still couldn't believe, Rohit, his Ro, his best friend was now a father.

How soon the time flies. It felt like yesterday they were sitting on the terrace of his rented house joking about never marrying.

And look at them at 30 and 31 respectively, married to stunning women and one of them is even a father now.

Rohit had left in the middle of the series when he got the news of his firstborn and Virat had controlled very hard to book a ticket himself.

Adding to his fury and longing, Rohit, that git refused to send him any pictures of her and that is why, the first thing after the test match ended, he was on a plane to Mumbai.

He almost dashed as soon as they reached his house. Swinging his duffle bag on his shoulder, he greeted the watchman who smiled in return, filled in his details, and made his way to Rohit's apartment.

He impatiently waited for the lift to open on Rohit's floor.

He read the new altered nameplate and smiled.

The Sharmas




He ringed the doorbell and waited for it open.

A tired looking Rohit opened the door holding a milk bottle in his hand and a burp cloth on his shoulder.

Looking at Virat he didn't feel surprised, he was expecting him.

Virat immediately pulled him in a tight and warm hug as he whispered in his ears, "congratulations"

Rohit only tightened the hug in response.

"where is she?", asked Virat, gleefully as he tossed the bag at Rohit. 

Rohit caught it in reflex as he eyed it suspiciously. For the past few days, there had been a parcel delivery every day at his home. All credits to Virat who made sure to send gifts for his niece even if he wasn't there.

"she's in the cot and just got up. Looks like she wanted to meet you", said Rohit fondly as he guided Virat to Sammy's playroom.

"of course, I'm going to be her favorite uncle", grinned Virat as he followed Rohit.

Rohit affectionately rolled his eyes at him. 

"where is Ritika?", Virat questioned whispering as Rohit opened the door softly.

"she's getting a nap. She hasn't been able to get some sleep since she loves to cry and disturb us at night", Rohit chuckled ardently while Virat nodded in understanding.

Virat noticed how there was a constant peace and glow on Rohit's face talking about his daughter. Did having your daughter feel this special? To be honest, Virat wanted his first child to be a girl as well. He wanted his and Rohit's daughters to be best friends just like them.

Virat stood at the doorsteps as he watched Rohit gently picking her up from the cot. 

"Why are you standing there? come in", Rohit chuckled at Virat's behaviour.

Virat suddenly felt very nervous. He slowly entered the room and looked at the baby in Rohit's hands and he swear he felt like his heart was melting.

Sammy's eyes were twinkling as she curiously looked at him. Her cheeks were indeed puffed like Rohit. She lifted her tiny hands and made a grabbing motion.

Virat instantly took a step back.

"she wants you to pick her", Rohit said amused with the situation, till now she had only been crying being with anyone else other than her parents.

Rohit instantly felt extra affection, his daughter understood Virat was someone special.

"I-- no I can't. I'll break her", Virat instantly answered horrified.

He had never dealt with such small babies and he didn't want to squeeze her by holding her too tight.

She seemed too perfect for his poor babying skills.

"I'll help you", Rohit suggested generously as he forwarded Sammy in his direction.

Virat nervously forwarded his own hands as Rohit placed her in them. He carefully held her as if she was a piece of fragile glass.

"she's so lightweight", said a surprised Virat as he held her in a more comfortable position.

"she's just born Virat", chuckled Rohit.

Sammy looked at him with big doe eyes as she caught hold of one of his fingers and abruptly broke into fits of giggles.

Virat's eyes glazed looking at her. She did have her mother's smile and he could swear she was going to be the same kind soul as them.

"she's perfect", Virat whispered, his voice underlying with so many emotions as he kissed the baby's forehead, he mentally promised himself to always protect the baby.

Rohit looked at his daughter and best friend bonding so well together, he had waited for this moment. He sighed in contentment, this moment felt complete and surreal.

"I'm sure, you and Ritika are going to be the best parents", smiled Virat as he saw Rohit checking the milk temperature on his hand before feeding her.

Rohit smiled himself, "I hope so"

"I know so"


Later when Ritika came to check on Rohit and Sammy, she couldn't help but awe at the scene.

Rohit was asleep his head drooped to the sofa backrest. An empty milk bottle on his lap. Virat sprawled on the bigger sofa with Sammy laid soundly on his chest and his arms wrapped protectively around her.

She quickly clicked a picture to save the impeccable moment that she was going to reminisce about her entire life.

Heya I hope you enjoyed it!

This is the first part of her. I'll be writing one for Rohit meeting Vamika as well.

When? Idk😂 but I will.

Also I was thinking of writing more on Rohika, so if you're interested do let me know!

All the love.

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