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Rahul glanced at the door nervously. He lifted his hand once to knock but pulled back when he heard some laughter from inside.

He squinted his eyes at the sound and leaned forward, towards the door hoping to catch a glimpse about what they were talking.

"come on Rohit bhai, you promised", he heard Rishabh whine.

"yes you did, you even promised to take us on an as Virat bhai says and I quote a sugar free ice cream date", he heard Shreyas aid in, Rohit chuckled at the comment.

'of course, go heard. Give them all the time', huffed Rahul in his mind.

"and I'm not saying no, just not today. I'm tired, we can go tomorrow", reasoned Rohit.

"okay fine, but tomorrow is our day", spoke Rishabh, trying to get some authority in his voice.

"absolutely", Rohit laughed again and Rahul could picture him ruffling Rishabh's hair.

"I have been with you guys for the entire day, haven't I?", Rohit said lightly.

"yes but you have to because you were with Jassi and Hardik the entire day yesterday"

'he has time for everyone but not me. This is so unfair', Rahul thought grimly.

'come on Rahul, you have to take the matter in your own hands', he affirmed as he entered the open room.

"can we stay here for the night Rohit bhai?", Shreyas asked sweetly.

Rohit was about to answer, most probably yes before Rahul interrupted.

"no because I'm staying here tonight", he announced as he glanced at the two.

Rohit was a bit held back in surprise seeing the boy.

"but we came here first", argued Rishabh.

"Rohit promised me to let me stay here, didn't you?", he asked without looking at him and staring intensely at the boys, hands on his hips.

"err I'm sorry Rishu and Shrey, I did promise him", agreed Rohit, thinking it was better to accept looking at Rahul's bad mood.

Rishabh and Shreyas slumped down sadly.

"but you can stay here tomorrow?", bargained Rohit, he didn't like seeing his kids upset.

Both of them brightened at the mention and happily trotted out.

"they're gone", Rohit bit his inner cheek to stop himself from laughing, Rahul still had his eyes narrowed at the door.

He glared at Rohit who quickly mumbled a sorry while throwing his hands up in surrender.

Rahul then went ahead and locked the door.

Rohit watched his actions curiously.

"now no one can come in", Rahul humphed in satisfaction.

"sit here"

"why?", frowned Rohit, absolutely not wanting to get up from his comfort position.

"I know you have a headache, come on", sighed Rahul.

Rohit looked at him in surprise.

Seeing his astonished look, Rahul muttered but loud enough for Rohit to hear, " I might not call you bhai but I can understand you like them too"

Rohit smiled softly before he got up and settled in front of Rahul.

Rahul gently started massaging his hair, a low sigh of content escaped Rohit's mouth.

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