Switch 2

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Virat who was back now, sat near Rohit as he yawned.

Both of them were bickering among themselves for God knows what, probably something stupid.

Ash and Bhuvi had smoothly slipped out of the room when no one seemed to be noticing.

Yuzi was freely teaching Jassi and Jinks some of the moves he learned from Dhana.

Shreyas was now reading Turtles all the way down.

Bhuvi and Ash who had been lounging around came back with spray paint bottles and an ugly looking snicker in their hand painted in different colours.

"whose are these?", asked Ash as he lifted it in the air for everyone to see.

Shreyas casually glanced up and his eyes widened in horror.

He kept the book aside as he jumped towards them, crying out loud, "those were my limited edition snickers bhaiya, how could you do this?"

Everyone looked at each other tensed as well, Shreyas loved his shoes more than anything in this world.

As soon as Shreyas took a closer look at it, his brows frowned, "this..... this is fake"

Ash and Bhuvi smirked as they hified.

"yep this is the dupe, your original one's are safe and sound in your cupboard", said Bhuvi gleaming.

Shreyas breathed in relief and then gasped, "you guys cheated"

"no we didn't, remember we are supposed to be behaving like Harry and Jaddu", Ash shrugged as he tossed the spray paint bottles to the corner.

"aren't they becoming a little too like them?", asked Rohit worried on what's next to come for them.

"absolutely we have to make sure, as soon as this ends, we never let them play Jaddu and Hardik", gulped Virat feeling scared himself.

Shreyas sat back to his place defeated but decided to join Yuzi in being the dance guru rather then mourning.

Jassi's phone rang as he excused himself.

"Virat bhai, where's your phone? Rahul said he's trying to call you for so long", said Jassi as he passed his phone to him.

Harry's ears perched up at the mention of his best friend.

"oh I must have forgotten it in my room", said Virat sheepishly.

"careless like always", Rohit taunted immediately.

Virat nudged him with his elbow and Rohit yelped.

"yes Rahuliya....

" no I don't have your essentials hoddie with me...

"why don't you check with Mayank once, maybe you left at his place, isn't he your second girlfriend?", Virat laughed.

Harry shot up from his place as he screeched, "you were supposed to be my soul mate Rahul. I'm hurt"

Virat bit his tongue as he put the phone on loudspeaker on Harry's command.

"wasn't I your best friend?", demanded Harry.

Ash and Bhuvi quickly sprang from their place as they neared the phone as well.

"I remember he said in one interview, Mayank is like his second half", added Ash menacingly.

"yes yes I do remember that as well", agreed Bhuvi.

Hardik gasped as he shrieked,"how dare you Rahul? You know what I don't want to talk to you", saying so he left the room.

Bhuvi and Ash fist bumped this time, they got 3 people break out of their character.

What an achievement!

"what was that? You guys shouldn't have done that. How bad he must be feeling now?", Jaddu said shaking his head at their childishness.

"Ash, Bhuvi was that you guys?", came a shell shocked voice from the phone.

"unfortunately", gloomed Virat.

"I... How?", uttered Rahul.

"long story Rahuliya", started Virat.

As Virat completed his tale of brilliant interchange, Rahul was too stunned to speak.

"don't worry Rahul. You know how Harry is, he won't be mad for long", said Jaddu soothingly.

"Jaddu...", said Rahul meekly.

"exactly how you can't keep quiet about your nonsense stories for long", snickered Rohit in middle.

"hey my stories are all true, someone once said they don't believe in this and you know what happened.....", started Jaddu animatedly.

"we know they were ran over by horses", replied all of them monotonously.

"we also know that you just lost", smirked Virat as he hified with Rohit.

The Rajput warrior grumbled in defeat.

"Rahul you should call him, he'll definitely talk to you", said Rohit.

As they kept the phone aside and stared at each other before they burst out laughing.

Only 6 people to go.

Heya here's the second part. This stretched a little longer then expected.

I hope you're enjoying it just as much as me.

I'll try posting the third part soon.

All the love.

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