The London Bridge

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Here's one of the requested one's!

Happy reading!



"Rohit bhaiya", Rishabh frantically waved his hands to catch his favorite brother's attention.

Rohit turned around to find a cheshire grinning Rishabh and Shreyas.

His eyes widened in horror as he mentally face palmed himself. He was the last one to join the squad due to some leg injury. Therefore, he was flying solo.

He had specifically left a message in the team's WhatsApp group that he could manage his way to hotel himself and no one needed to come and pick him up but maybe Rishabh and Shreyas were an exception.

Thank God it wasn't an Indian airport otherwise it would have been a difficult situation to manage.

He made his way towards his kids.

Though all the youngsters in the team were like kids to him. He was with Jassi and Hardik practically all the year due to the same ipl teams [sad that we won't be able to see Hardik in mi blue again:-(.] but with Shreyas and Rishabh he shared a different sort of bond, a special type.

He couldn't manage a lot of time with them but when they did hang out together, it felt the most happiest moments.

"welcome bhaiya, we missed you", Rishabh jumped to hug him tightly.

"it's only been a week", laughed Rohit as he patted Rishabh's back.

"so what, it has been much longer to us", pouted he as he stood aside for Shreyas to hug him.

On the way to the airport, they had fought childishly on who will hug him first, Rishabh who won in Rock paper scissors boasted proudly about it while Shreyas sulked.

"how are you Shrey?", Rohit smiled fondly at him as he extended his arms to him.

Shreyas grinned as he leaped forward to tackle him a bear hug as he mumbled incoherently in his t-shirt, "I'm fine"

"come on Rohit bhaiya, we got things to do", spoke Rishabh as he held one of Rohit's hand.

Shreyas took another and both of them started dragging him towards the taxi.

"wait where are we going?", Rohit frowned but he let the kids drag him.

"oh you'll love it"

They got into the taxi, Rohit closed his eyes as he leaned in the seat.

Rishabh and Shreyas looked at each other and nodded in understanding.

Rohit was tired as hell and needed some rest. They knew once Rohit entered the hotel, he will get no extra time to relax as someone or the other will always be around.

Rohit couldn't tell them to leave his room as he wanted to rest. 1. Because he loved them.
2. Because he was a loving big brother.
3. Because he was a little too kind.

Of course he could be very blunt at times in media but with his family, he was the sweetest of all and maybe that's why everyone wanted to spent time with him.

Therefore Rishabh and Shreyas decided to let him rest.

Few kilometers ahead, Rohit suddenly bolted upright, "shit I forgot my airpods in plane"

Shreyas rolled his eyes while Rishabh continued looking out of the car as if it was the most normal thing being said.

"koi baat nhi Rohit bhaiya, naya le lenge", Shreyas mimicked Virat's impersonation of Rohit.

Rohit glared at him as he lightly hit him on the head while Shreyas chuckled in response.

Rohit decided it was no use to worry about it now, he had already lost it and he couldn't do anything about it so instead of taking any stress, might as well take a bit of rest.

So sighing he leaned back again and closed his eyes.

The car halted after some time, Rishabh and Shreyas shook Rohit awake.

Rohit yawned as he rubbed his eyes to get a clear view in front of him.

They were in front of the London bridge.

Rohit had always loved visiting the London Bridge. How many times, he came to London, he made sure to visit there.

He didn't know why but it always gave him some sort of peace and happiness.

Though the place was buzzing with people, Shreyas and Rishabh took him to a very excluded and quite cafe which gave a very clear view of the London Bridge.

Rohit's eyes gleamed in amusement and excitement as he looked around.

He didn't even notice when Shreyas and Rishabh gave food order and came back to sit near him.

They kept quiet as Rohit looked out, thinking deeply about something.

They decided it was rather better to stay mum then disturb him at the moment.

Their orders arrived and only then Rohit noticed the platings in front of him.

If it was possible, his eyes twinkled even more.

All his favorite dished laid in front of him.

He looked at the two sitting in front of him.

"giving you a treat before Virat forces you to eat the ghaas phus", winked Shreyas as pushed the cheese pasta in front of Rohit.

Rohit laughed as he dug in.

The three of them had their food in the best possible environment, pulling each other's leg, laughing and feeding each other.

When they left the cafe, it was almost night, they walked together towards the London Bridge as Rohit spoke lowly, "thank you guys for this"

When Shreyas and Rishabh saw Rohit in the airport, they knew he was feeling a bit off. Though he tired to hide the weary look by a smile but nothing could be hidden among them.

It was an instant plan to take him to his favorite place and make him feel better like he always did for them. Rishabh placed the card and Shreyas played along.

Seeing Rohit's twinkling eyes, they finally relaxed.

"anything for you bhaiya", both of them chorused together as they group hugged.

They entered the lobby, chatting among themselves and laughing when they held those voices,






"you explain Rohit bhaiya"


"cause you're older, idk", cried them as they emptied the blame basket on him.

I had multiple requests for Rishabh - Rohit and Rohit - Shreyas. Idk why but I love the three of them together and therefore I merged the two.

Also today was my last paper, ab Kal se practicals but but aaj ke paper mein bhi Virat and Jasprit aaye the 😭

I had two questions specifically for those names! 😭

I hope you enjoyed it!

All the love.

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