You And I Are Permanent

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a/n i wasn't going to update but then I remembered this is my one year anniversary on wattpad as a writer and I can't let this simply pass so happy one year to us💕

Also I have made this os very pictury so i hope you enjoy.

I started with a rohirat os and I'm ending with a rohirat os.

Happy reading!



Rohit was arduously trying not to fall asleep in between the management meeting.

For God's sake, can they end this already? In all these meetings he had attended since he became captain, he had only questioned his life choices.

How did Virat manage to survive this without rolling his eyes once or maybe he was just good at masking his annoyance.

Rohit who was very busy in his own thoughts jumped in his place when the sudden music boomed in the entire room.

Munni badman huyi darling tere liye,
Munni ke gal gulabi....

It took a moment for him to realize it was his own phone. He fumbled as he hurriedly took it out to put it on silent.

"so sorry for that", he muttered in embarrassment, already planning 10 different ways to kill the person whoever played this vicious plan.

Rahul bhai was trying hard to not let the smile slip on his face and play stern, to be honest, this meeting had bored him to dead as well and he did appreciate this little hilarious incident.

For the rest of the duration, Rohit was busy trying to shortlist all the possible people who could have done this and only one came to his mind.


Because only he had his phone password. Rohit had thought very hard to keep an extremely difficult and unique password and he had done a cheer dance when he came up with one.


(now all the golgappa people sorry if we hurt your feelings though I call it both panipuri and golgappa)

Though it didn't take a lot of time for Virat to figure it out and now Rohit couldn't wait to strangle him in payback.

He diligently did the goodbyes and set towards his room to give Virat, that idiot a piece of mind.


As expected Virat was very comfortably settled in his bed surfing on his phone.

Rohit cleared his throat as he leaned on the wall, his eyebrows raised, the sleeves of his white shirt folded till his elbows.

(yeah ik he looks amazayn like that😮‍💨, stop drooling)

Virat glanced up very calmly before he focused back on his phone.
Rohit narrowed his eyes at him as he stared at Virat.

"did you do it?", Rohit asked flashing his phone in the air.

"did what?", Virat asked almost innocently.

"of course you did, you could have waited for some other time, I was in the meeting", he grumbled in displeasure.

"would it be fun if you're not embarrassed? I don't think so", Virat smiled his lopsided grin.

Rohit laid on the bed beside him as he sulked even more, "now don't be a spoil sport", Virat patted his head.

"I'm not"

Someone knocked on his door, a hotelstaff came to deliver his package.

He beamed as he took it from it.
"what is it?", Rohit asked propping himself on his elbows.

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