Smart And Smarter

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"AHAHAHHA", Virat howled in laughter as he held the side table, trying to support his shaking body.

Rohit who sat in the bed completely drenched in water stared at the wall blankly, ready to yell at Virat for being so damn inconsiderate and tactless all the times.

Virat had played his all time classic 'the jug slipped out of my hands and landed on you' plan and was now successfully rolling in laughter.

Rohit aura had significantly darkened which didn't go noticed by Virat(who was busy catching his breath) yet but a sudden idea lit up Rohit's face as he smirked slightly.

He played the game fare and Virat definitely deserved a penalty for foul play.

When Virat had calmed down, he turned towards Rohit, hoping for some curse strings or a pillow in face which never actually hit him, all thanks to his fast reflexes.

But unlike all the other times he was greeted by a smiling Rohit.

Virat rubbed his eyes for the illusion to disappear but it stayed intact.

Rohit was indeed smiling but it wasn't his natural smile, it was too nice kind of smile and that got Virat immediately suspicious.

"why are you smiling?", he asked cautiously.

"nothing, just thought your laughter was cute"

Virat immediately crawled a bit in defence, Rohit complimenting him after he got attached by water while sleeping. Nah.

Their compliments were never like, 'you look nice in that'. It always went like 'it would have looked nice on me, you just look like a duck' kind.

Something was not right.

Virat gasped as he pointed an accusing finger in Rohit's direction, "you imposter, what have you done to my Rohit?"

"I'm not an imposter Virat. I'm still your Rohit, come on, don't degrade me like that", said Rohit kindheartedly as he got up to change.

"yes you are, if you were my Roiit, you would be shouting at me, fighting with me but look at you, all goody two shoes", cried Virat.

Rohit bit his inner cheeks to stop himslef from bursting out laughing.

"I'm not mad at you Virat", replied Rohit smiling.

"why? You should be, you need to be. Be mad at me please", pleaded Virat.

Rohit ruffled Virat's hair as he passed him to get to his closet.

"are you sick?", Virat peered over his shoulder, looking at Rohit's relaxed frame.

"no, I'm fine", came Rohit's nonchalant reply as he rummaged through, to find a clean t-shirt.

Virat felt sick himself, what has happened to Rohit?

Why was he being so.... nice?

He needed his 'i speak my mind' Rohit back.


Rohit sat on the breakfast table eating, while simultaneously chatting with Bhuvi and Jad.

Virat was eying his movements like a hawk, his eyes in slits as he played with his food trying to locate the indifference in Rohit's behavior.

Rohit who was very well aware of Virat's squirming eyes, did a mental dance.

Hah, this was way more fun than he had anticipated.

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