Entertainment (extended)

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The last os is complete, this is just the extended version of conversations between Dk, Faf and Maxwell who heard the entire Rohirat debate.

This one's for muktiikyyy

Happy reading!

"what are we doing here?", asked a confused Maxwell.

"just wait and watch", said Dk as he concentrated in front.

"welcome back traitor"

"did Rohit just called Virat a traitor?", gasped Maxwell.

"oooh I love this", grinned Dk.

"what are you guys doing here?", a voice from behind startled them.

Both of them jumped in their places.

"you almost gave me a heart attack", Glenn dramatically put his one hand on his heart.

Faf rolled his eyes at his melodrama.

"what are you doing here?", countered Dk.

"I just come to give this bottle back to Virat. He forgot it in the gym", he shrugged, forwarding the bottle.

"delete it, delete it now"

Their attention diverted back to them when they heard Virat yell.

Faf frowned at the scene, Rohit was standing on the bed holding his phone with something on display which apparently triggered Virat.

"what is Rohit doing here?", he voiced out.

He had heard about the Rift rumours and he had never seen both of them particularly hanging out together when they played against each other.

"shush let me enjoy the show", Dk hushed the two as he focused ahead.

Faf looked at Maxwell and when he shrugged both of them looked in front as well.

"say I'm the most handsome man you know"

"no you're cute"

"Virat called Rohit cute, really?", asked Glen with wide eyes, this was a different side of Virat.

"say it now or I'll post it"

"you're the most handsome man I know"

"did Virat really gave in that quick?", Faf raised his eyebrows totally amused with the situation.

"say I'm your best friend"

"of course you are, who else"

"THEY ARE BEST FRIENDS", shrieked Maxwell in surprise and delight.

"didn't they have some Rift? ", frowned Faf.

"Rift? Please they are more couple together than with their wives", scoffed Dk as he filmed the entire scene.

Oh how much, he's gonna tease Rohit, he jumped internally in happiness.

They surely did look like a couple when Rohit leaped forward to hug Virat and Virat hugged him back with the same warmth.

Once they settled on the bed.

"wait that pic of you and Pollard looks recent, when did you take it?"

"woh... Actually"



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