The Treasure Hunt

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"this is so boring", sulked Rishabh swinging the comb in his hand.

"what is boring?", questioned Ash without looking up from his phone.

"THIS, sitting in the room all day, doing absolutely nothing", said Rishabh, broodingly.

"why don't you hit the gym, again", suggested Yuzi.

"he ain't Virat", commented Jinks.

"to he honest, I'm bored too", added Kul, looking between them.

"why don't you all go swimming?", said Bhuvi, flipping through the cooking magazine.

"the water is so cold, Bhuvi bhaiya", pined Yuzi. (pine-ed)

Bhuvi raised his eyebrows at the mourning boys sitting in front of him and surprisingly even Jassi was a part of them.

He then turned to look at Hardik who hasn't uttered a word in the entire conversation.

Hardik was frowning in concentration looking at something on his phone.

Bhuvi saw his eyes gleaming up suddenly before he screeched and Bhuvi's first instinct was to snatch the phone from his hands and look at the life threatening discovery of his.

"I have got an idea", shrieked Harry, whopping in the air.

"and what is it?", asked Jassi with a bored look.

"we could play treasure hunt", said Harry, cheerfully.

For once, Harry's plan didn't seem nonsense and instead passed a wave of excitement and thrill in them.

"who'll set it up?", asked Jinks still with a bit of caution.

"I'll do the honors", said Harry, proudly.

"I'll help you", said Jaddu, hifing.

Jinks, Ash and Bhuvi looked at each other, asking to be careful.

While the kids seemed extremely happy to have something exciting and adventures to do now.

The door banged open and Virat and Rohit marked their presence.

Both of them grinning widely.

"what are you smiling at?", asked a puzzled Jinks.

Both of them looked at each other when Virat winked, Rohit burst out laughing.

(abhi thodi batayenge, kisi aur os mein kabhi🌝)

"we're playing a game", Ash told them.

"ohho what game?", asked Virat brightly.

"treasure hurt", announced Harry, grinning.

"let's do this"

"right, so can split the team. I'll put the name chits in this bowl and we can randomly pick", said Bhuvi as he got up to make the chits.

"I'll help you", said Jassi as he went with Bhuvi.

After making the chits and mixing them up, Bhuvi randomly picked a chit.

"Jassi", he said as Jassi grinning today took his side.

Rishabh came in next and took the chit, "Shreyas bhaiya", both of them hified.

Virat took the next chit and yelled, "Rohit"

Rohit leaped towards Virat, twinkling.

"they have some weird soul connection", muttered Bhuvi smiling.

Everyone present had to agree to the statement because it was absolutely true.

The last two teams were, Yuzi-Kul and Ash-Jinks.

"right so meet us in 2 hours here again", ushered Jaddu everyone out.

Harry and Jaddu smirked looking at each other.

Now that Harry and Jaddu had taken the charge this treasure hurt was surely going to be exciting.

Heya how ya doin'!

Also happy republic day people 🇮🇳❤️

All the love.

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