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Drumrolls everyone, finally the OS which tells what happened with Jos and Rohit🤌🏻

A quick disclaimer, last time when Virat had confronted Rohit for this on his birthday, they were interrupted so Virat still doesn't know about this.


25th March 2023

"yes Yuzi." Rohit answered as soon as he picked up the phone.

"Rohitaaa Sharma, have you forgotten about me?" came his dramatic reply.

Rohit rolled his eyes, "what happened?"

"you took Shardul on a dinner date. What about me? You promised me." Yuzi cribbed from the other side.

Rohit sighed, he should have seen this coming. He's glad atleast not everybody is calling him yet.

He could deal with Yuzi, he was probably the easiest to coax.

" I haven't taken Ritika out so many times that I go with you guys." Rohit chuckled.

"so what? Ritika bhabhi has no problems with sharing you with us." Yuzi stated proudly.

"I'll take you out when we meet." Rohit assured him.

"but we don't have any matches until 30th April, that's one month from now. We'll probably be the last one to meet. Everyone will post their pictures with you." Yuzi said sadly.

Rohit's eyes softened as he pictured a sulking Yuzi. He could accept Yuzi in all moods but sad was something he didn't like to picture him in.

This was probably a very dumb decision to make, he'll probably hear from his management for this. As a captain he shouldn't absolutely do this but who cares.

He was going to fly to Hyderabad where Yuzi currently was, and be back by the next day.

"it's okay Yuzi. We'll take nice pictures when we meet." Rohit replied positively while simultaneously packing a small duffle bag to go with.

Yuzi hummed after he had to reluctantly say bye as he had to go for the team dinner.

"where are you going?" Ritika asked as she entered the room and saw him packing messily, "don't tell me you got so jealous with Virat spending time with the rcb gang that you decided to pay him a visit."

"do you think I'm that stupid?" Rohit frowned but he got his answer right way when Ritika raised her brows at him making him huff.

"no I'm not going to visit Virat and though I should set him straight with all these new bromance pictures coming through, I'll see him later. Right now, I'm visiting Yuzi."

"Yuzi? Is he okay?"

"yeah, he just called. Sounded troubled about something and I need to make sure he'll alright. I could call Ash to check on him but I think Ash is yet to join them."

"I'll be back by tomorrow." he kissed her forehead before exciting the room.


Yuzi yawned before he got up to answer the doorbell.
If it was some youngsters knocking this late to trouble him, they were surely having it from him but sleep flew away from his eyes and he almost tripped in his place when he saw a grinning Rohit Sharma standing at his door.

"kya re Yuzi, so raha tha kya?" Rohit asked nonchantly.

If this was anyone else, he would have given them a befitting reply about this nonsensical question at 2 am in the morning but this was Rohit bhai and what in the world was he doing in Hyderabad?

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