Baking The Cake

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"Rohit", Ritika sleepily shook him.

"what?", mumbled Rohit.

"someone is ringing the door bell, go check it"

"let them ring"

"ROHIT", Ritika kicked his leg which made Rohit's eyes shoot open.

Rohit sighed as he got up, he dishearteningly trudged to the door mumbling some colorful words under his breath.

It was 1 in the morning, who in the world chose this time for the visit. If it was Virat, that moron trying to ruin his sleep, Rohit would kill him.

Rohit peeked in the peephole  and he saw an excited Rishabh bouncing on his place and an equally electrified Shreyas.

Rohit stood amazed for a second before he opened the door for the two bunnies.

"Rohit bhaiya", both sing-songed as they jumped on him.

Rohit hugged them back and concerned asked, "you here at this time, everything okay?"

Both let go of him before Rishabh spoke innocently, "we're okay Rohit bhaiya, we're just missing you so we came to see you"

Shreyas nodded his head solemnly on Rishabh's explanation.

Rohit smiled warmly at the two kiddos standing in front of him.

This reminded him of the numerous times him and Virat both went to Mahi bhai's house  because they missed him.

"come on, you must be tired, do you want to sleep?", asked Rohit, worried.

"no bhaiya, it's bhabhi's birthday tomorrow,we are here to help", said Rishabh brightly.

Rohit's eyes widened in horror.

Shit he forgot Ritika's birthday. Damn it.

"you don't remember, do you?", Shreyas shook his head disappointed.

Rohit rubbed the back on his neck, thinking of all the things he could do over night.

"it's okay Rohit bhaiya, you don't worry. We have got you covered. We bought all the things", Rishabh patted him sympathetically on his back.

"really", asked a surprised Rohit.

"yeah we guessed you must have forgotten", Shreyas rolled his eyes when Rohit glared at him so he hastily added, "so let's get to work", he started taking all the decorations out of the bag.

All three of them immediately got to work as they started putting all the decorations on the right place.

The series, Polaroid pictures of Ritika and lots of interesting stuff to put on the walls.

In an hour or so, they were done.

"this looks nice", commented Rohit observing the place.

"I know right", said Rishabh proudly.

"now what about the cake? Which shop would be open at this time?", asked a tensed Rohit.

Rishabh and Shreyas grinned as they pulled out some dry ingredients from the bag.

"we are going to bake a cake", they announced proudly.

Rohit looked astonished at them before he leaped at tackle the two in a bear hug.

"I would have been dead meat without you two. Thank you", he said sincerely.

"you have saved us a lot times, we're doing the same", winked Shreyas.

Rohit laughed as they made their way towards the kitchen.


"so how do we make a cake?", voiced out Rishabh as he looker at the other two, who looked equally confused.

Rishabh and Shreyas had ordered the cake ingredients but none knew how to make it.

Rohit flipped through various cooking books while Shreyas watched some youtube tutorials.

"we could do this", motivated Rohit as he closed the book though he himself looked quite unconfident.

Rishabh and Shreyas nodded their heads unsurely.

"chachu", squealed Sammy as she ran towards them.

"hii Sammy baby", Shreyas and Rishabh brightly acknowledged her.

"what are you doing here?", she asked excitingly.

"we are baking mumma a cake on her birthday, you would help us right?", Rohit carefully made Sammy sit on the kitchen slab.

Sammy bobbed her head clapping her hands.

All three smiled at the kid's excitement and rolled their sleeves up for the next task.


" what have you done to my kitchen? ", gasped Ritika as she looked at the mess around.

The three men and a kid, all covered in cream turned around to look at her sheepishly.

Ritika shook her head when Sammy ran to her, "happy birthday mumma. We baked you a cake"

"thank you baccha", Ritika smiled at their effects.

She had seen the decorations in the hall and she was pretty sure that it was Rishabh and Shreyas and not her husband who MIGHT have forgotten her birthday.

"happy birthday bhabhi", said Rishabh and Shreyas joyfully.

"we would have given you a hug if we weren't covered in dough"

Ritika chuckled and then turned to look at Rohit, raising her eyebrows.

"happy birthday Ritika", said Rohit cheekily.

Ritika's anger melted away at once looking at her adorable husband but she didn't let the smile slip on her face.

He forgot her birthday, he deserved this.

"thank you", she said deadpanning.

"Shreyas and Rishabh, go get freshen up, I'm taking Sammy and you Rohit, clean this whole mess until I'm back", demanded Ritika.

Rohit's eyes widened in horror while Sammy, Rishabh and Shreyas giggled looking at his face.

Ritika almost burst of laughing but quickly controlled herself.

While Rohit glared at the trio first and then innocently nodded her head.


Ritika made her way out of the kitchen and the three quickly rushed out too before Rohit can catch them.

Rohit sighed before starting to organise everything.

Later Ritika cut the half baked,  half burnt cake first and then the cake Rohit had ordered, thankfully.

Shreyas and Rishabh stayed the entire day at their house playing with Sammy and  gossiping with Ritika.


"go", Ritika pushed Rohit out of the room.

"but it's your birthday..", tried Rohit justifying.

"we can spent the time tomorrow. They are here just for the day, go sleep with them. I want the entire bed to myself today", Ritika fake-yawned.

Rohit smiled and thanked God for an understanding partner like Ritika and made his way to the kids room.

They spent the entire night just talking, complaining and Rishabh and Shreyas clicked pictures with their heads on Rohit's lap to sent in their WhatsApp group, to make people jealous of course!

Haa, I was just re- reading and I know it's not up the mark but still posted it!

Also finally a one shot haha

All the love.

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