The Video Call

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Here is the first os in this book.
Just for the sake of plot convenience, I am supposing Bhuvi's daughter was born between the t-20 series with New Zealand.

Happy reading!

              The entire team

Virat was glaring at his phone as if it was it's faults for all the mischaps happening in the world.

He got to know from Anushka that Nupur had gone into labour a few hours ago. He had called Rohit who said the same and since then their had been no update.

His phone rang breaking him from his chain of thoughts and the name Rohit displayed on his screen.

Virat quickly picked up his phone, his heart beating in anticipation.

"it's a girl", Rohit whispered from the other side.

Virat kept quiet for a second and then happily yelled at the top of his lungs, " I knew it. I told them, she's gonna be a girl. Now there is gonna be a addition to the girls gang. We are going to spoil her to no ends".

By the end of his small monologue, he had tears in his eyes.

This was just perfect, their 2013 team was now complete, all were married to amazing women and were now fathers to loving daughters.

Rohit  laughed as he added, "we sure are".

"where is he?", asked Virat, impatiently.

He needed to congratulate the new father. His best friend for years now, one of the few sensible lad in the team.

"he is talking to his parents now but don't worry I'll tell him to call you", he said smiling because he knew Virat desperately wanted to talk to him.

Virat was bit disappointed but he knew all the responsibilities, he himself was a father now.


"listen I'll call you a bit later, everyone is going crazy. I gotta manage the situation but we're arranging a video call in the evening so that we all can see her, alright.", said Rohit while Virat heard some noises and happy cheers from the background, the team was extremely happy today.

" yeah, I'll see you there", said he as he cut the call.

He so wanted to be there at this moment to celebrate with them but he'll meet her soon, he thought determinedly.

He sat on the couch as he mused on how does she look? Does she have Bhuvi's innocent eyes? Or her mother's smile? Or is she smart and sensible like Bhuvi? But one thing is for sure that they will spoil her to no ends, save her when she would play some pranks, support her and protect her always.

The same promise which was repeated for all the kids born, to always shield them.

Maybe that's what was so special about ict that every kid in the team was like their own child.

Ict was a family.

Apparently with no fights for property.

He shared the news with Anushka who looked just as excited to meet the baby and Nupur.

His phone rang for the second time that day from the person, he was waiting for.

"hello", said Bhuvi, softly.

" congratulations Bhuvi. I told you it would be girl. I so want to meet her now. I wanted to be there. You know we all will turn her like us, pranksters. You didn't even send me a photo yet. What did you decide to name her?", blabbered Virat, excitedly.

Bhuvi laughed at his over excited best friend.

" we haven't decided the name yet but you sure would the first phone person to know ", said Bhuvi, smiling.

Virat grinned too.

" but you still didn't send me a photo? ", pouted Virat.

"you can see her in the video call. Can't you wait for a few hours!", teased Bhuvi.

He very well knew, Virat was very impatient.

"oh come on, you can't do that", whined Virat but his voice held extreme fondness.

"Accha, I gotta go. Harry is calling me continuously. If I don't pick up the phone he is gonna catch a flight to come here", said Bhuvi.

"that is not a bad idea actually", said Virat, thoughtfully.

"Virat", said Bhuvi, sternly.

Virat was reckless in such cases. He would think after he had boarded a flight and Bhuvi didn't want any media attention.

"got it. Bye", said Virat hastily as he cut the call.

Bhuvi shook his head smiling affectionately.

Later in the evening, Virat was undoubtedly the first person to join the meeting.

Everyone from the playing team gathered in Rohit's room.

Virat noticed that the team was being expectionally quiet, they were quite for the baby, they didn't want to scare her.

Till now.

"where is he? Why didn't he join yet? I want to see her. He didn't even send me the pictures" complained Harry.

"me too", said Virat, agreeing. He was dying to see her.

Rohit and team smiled knowingly.

Virat narrowed his eyes in suspicion," you saw the pictures didn't you?"

"no, we went to see her in person", said Rohit, proudly while others nodded.

Virat and Harry gasped in horror.

"traitor", cried Harry.

Virat looked over to Jassi who wasn't saying anything.

"he send me the pictures", said he innocently.

"me too", Jaddu chimed in between.

Virat shook his head, " this isn't done. You guys went to see her, he send others the pictures then why not us?"

Bhuvi joined just then, Virat was about to yell at him for the injustice but shut up when he saw the little creature in his hands.

Everyone kept quiet as they observed her. She had her eyes closed as she rested her head on Bhuvi's chest. Her small hand was holding Bhuvi's finger and her lips were pouted.

Everyone melted at the sweet sight. She slowly opened her eyes for a fraction of seconds, looked at the phone, at the people looking at her with curiosity, awe and love. She smiled a sweet smile and closed her eyes again.

Everyone's heart softened at the adorable sight.

"she is perfect", whispered Virat, his eyes glazed.

Everyone nodded their heads unable to form any words, looking at the small baby.

All her uncles who were away, promised her to come and meet her as soon as possible.

The video call was the best thing for that day.

Virat went to sleep with a huge smile on his face.

It was good day.

She indeed had her father's adorable eyes and her mother's smile.

Ah I had write this one 😭

I saw Virat's comment on Bhuvi's post today so couldn't help myself from writing this.

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