You're My Best Friend

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Someone asked me to write an os on Harry and Jassi getting jealous of Venkatesh's closeness with Bhuvi, so here it is.

Happy reading!



"why didn't you do anything yet?", demanded Hardik furiously from the phone.

"I didn't want to scare him off. He's new to the team", muttered Jassi.

"oh shut up, he's snatching Bhuvi away from us Jassi. You're the vice captain use that godamn power", cried Harry, from the other side.

Why was it so difficult for Jassi to get this one simple thing. He had been watching all the matches and seeing Bhuvi come back like a king, he was so delighted.

He had howled in appreciation seeing his best friend getting back in his terrific form but what spoilt his mood was how after every wicket, this new kid, Venkatesh ran to hug him.

When the water went above his head, he had enough and had finally called Bhuvi to confront him and then suddenly, Venkatesh knocked on his door, whining about getting late for the dinner and Bhuvi had to end the call in between.

Hardik had never felt this jealous in his entire life. Yes, he used to sometimes get jealous of Rahul and Mayank but now he had made peace with it, they had known each other for almost their entire lives but with Bhuvi, the case was different.

He had then called Jassi to get the entire report of the matter and then Jassi had sulkingly told him how Venkatesh and Bhuvi had their breakfast, lunch and dinner together almost all the time. They spent the most time together, chatted and even laughed.

Jassi saw them in the corridor outside Bhuvi's door, merrily laughing about some internal joke and he had almost proceeded to push Venky and claim some time with his Bhuvi bhaiya but alas he couldn't do it.

Venky was new to the team, he couldn't talk to all seniors freely yet and why he mingled really well with Bhuvi was maybe because Bhuvi was wonderful at making anyone feel comfortable instantly.

He couldn't blame him for seeking comfort from Bhuvi. They all did.

When Hardik had called, he finally ranted it all out because Harry was feeling just as miserable as him.

"I'm coming", finally declared Harry.

"right, WAIT WHAT?", screeched Jassi instantly sitting upright.

"yes this is enough, we are going to have a nice talk with him", spoke Harry, he was already taking his duffle bag out.

"but it's evening it'll be night when you come here", Jassi tried reasoning though he would be lying if he said he wasn't happy.

It had been so long since he saw Hardik, he never had imagined, he would be missing Harry so much until they had to actually stay apart for so long.

"so what, I'll a take a flight now, reach there by midnight. Take an early morning flight and come back", explained he, nonchalantly.

"I-okay. Be safe", Jassi smiled as he cut the call.

Bhuvi heard some vigorous knocking on his door at around 2. He ran so fast for the door thinking someone from ict set the hotel on fire while trying to prank one another.

He opened the door to find a widely grinning Hardik and Jassi.

His panicked face turned into pure confusion and then shock.

"Bhuvi", Harry delightedly lunched forward to hug his best friend.

"wait you're really here", stuttered Bhuvi as he tried deciphering if it was some dream he was watching.

Hardik let go of him and entered the room like he owned it while Bhuvi still stood at the door, confused.

Jassi also came forward innocently to hug him.

Though he had already met him but it's been while since they actually catched up.

Bhuvi realised that it wasn't some dream. His heart was overwhelmed with love for his best friend but he decided to play strict for the course of time.

"and what are you doing here?", he crossed his arms, raising his eyebrows.

Hardik looked at Jassi, Bhuvi followed his gaze and Jassi shrugged innocently again.

Harry muttered something under his breathe which suspiciously sounded like traitor.

"so, I can't even come to see you now?", he questioned back, feigning hurt.

"that's not what I meant", Bhuvi rolled his eyes.

"no that's exactly what you meant. Mein itni dor se sirf tumse milne aaya but tumhe toh koi kadar hi nhi h meri. Come Jassi let's go, he doesn't need us anymore. He has his new best friend now", spoke Harry as he stood up to walk out of the room.

"woah hold on, what are talking about? What new best friend?", asked a confused Bhuvi as he reached out to stop Hardik.

"Venkatesh. You seem very close to him these days. Huh.", said Harry, darkly.

Bhuvi's face showed no emotions for a second then he burst out laughing.

"look at him. He's even laughing at us now"

"you're jealous of him. Oh my god", Bhuvi continued gasping for air.

"no we're not, we're just looking out for you. What if he's a bad influence? We saving you, yes", rambled Harry with the only excuse that came to his mind.

Jassi mentally face palmed himself.

"he's not my best friend but you are", Bhuvi finally spoke, smiling.

"then what is he?"

"he's is new kid. He wasn't really comfortable around everyone yet so I was making him feel home", spoke Bhuvi as he settled on the bed, relaxing.

Hardik and Jassi knew what Bhuvi meant. Everytime, anyone joined the team they all took turns to make them feel comfortable and Bhuvi was just being the caring brother, he is.

He really shouldn't feel insecure but maybe it was the distance between them.

"we didn't want to loose you" mumbled Jassi as he kept his head on Bhuvi's lap.

"I'm always here Jass", Bhuvi ran his fingers through his hair and Jassi sighed in content.

Harry also came to occupy the next empty space. Keeping his head on Bhuvi's shoulder.

The three of them stayed, talking and catching up on everything.

Jassi was already asleep and Bhuvi was dozing off himself when Hardik sleepily asked again.

"Bhuvi who is your best friend"

"it's you, silly"


So what if Hardik missed his flight the next morning and got scolded by Bhuvi for not setting an alarm, atleast he was at peace that his best friend was only his.

I hope you liked it!

Fun fact: my previous tuition teacher's name was Jeisy but all the children called her Jassi😂

All the love.

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