Birthday Gone Wrong1

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12th May

"Virat get up", Anushka shook him.

Virat groaned as he opened his one eye to look at his wife staring down at him, frowning.

"what's wrong?", his voice still hoarse and husky.

"everything, everything is wrong", she said animatedly.

Virat closed his eyes again as he almost dozed off.

For some reason, he was very sleepy today, probably because he was awake most of the night trying to put Vamika to sleep.

"if you don't want to know what Rohit is up to, it's okay. I'll go", she said suggestively as she turned to go back.

Hearing Rohit's name, all his senses started working.

"what's up with him?", he asked as he immediately sat up straight.

Anushka smirked slightly, Virat yawned as he rubbed his eyes to get the sleep out of his system.

"mi is having a reunion today at Rohit's house to celebrate Pollard's birthday", she explained.

Virat nodded still in daze until it clicked to him, mi is having a reunion.



"why am I not aware of it? Rohit that bitch, he didn't tell me, I'm going to kill him", Virat mumbled furiously under his breath as he searched for his phone.

"he probably won't pick up, he's busy with attending them. I think we should visit them ourselves", Anushka proposed seeming a bit desperate herself.

"wait how do you know all this and so precisely moreover", Virat narrowed his eyes as he crossed his arms waiting for the clarification.

Anushka laughed nervously as she waved her hand off, "aam khao Virat, gutliya mat gino"

"Anushka", he raised his eyebrows.

"fine, I saw the numerous stories Devisha posted", she muttered.


"Devisha, Surya's wife. She posted stories with the group and was praising Ritika's cooking. They baked together. Called Ritika, her favourite person. Can you believe it, Ritika's supposed to be my best friend", huffed Anushka as she rambled about the dreading events of her best friend celebrating with someone else passed her mind.

Virat opened and closed his mouth a couple of times, never in the million years had he anticipated this outburst.

Now it was Virat's turn to smirk, "so you're jealous, huh?"

"what? No absolutely not, what are you talking about?", Anushka stuttered as she avoided eye contact with Virat.

Virat laughed at her expense. Anushka narrowed her eyes as she pulled out her phone and shoved it in his face.

"well looks like someone else is going to be jealous too", she whistled as Virat peered at the screen.



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