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Entire team


The entire ict brooding was not a common scene but unfortunately even the miracles were happening today.

Rohit woke up without Virat yelling in his ears or pushing him out of the bed, he was currently eating a spinach salad while watching some hard core exercise videos of other athletics.

Hardik and Jaddu were calmly sitting at their respective places without creating any ruckus engaged in a very civil conversation.

Yuzi and Shreyas were not making any reels and reading a business magazine instant.

Ash along with Bhuvi seemed to be whispering among themselves as if planning a new prank.

Jinks and Jassi were watching a dance tutorial while trying to smoothen out their moves.

Virat was fast asleep on the bed with his legs dangling in the air.

Well surprises.


A day before

Virat who was scrolling through his reels section to pass his time while Rohit gets ready came across a random reel of a few teenage friends behaving as each other for a day and the chaos that followed.

His eyes gleamed in a very Virat like manner, the boys had been complaining on how this bio bubble was boring as they had nothing to do except practice and sleep (Rohit didn't complain here, just letting you know :-)).

He had then called of them and planned the team activity and all of them seemed excited.

*flashback ends*

So here they were playing each other.

The elimination would be based on the fact who breaks the character first and the one remaining at last will be the winner.

The teams exchanged were:

Virat and Rohit (of course who else)

Jaddu and Ash (the spin twins)

Harry and Bhuvi (another underrated bond)

Yuzi and Jassi

Shreyas and Jinks

"do like this Jinks bhaiya", said Jassi as he performed a Ganesh visarjan step.

"this is what I did", replied Jinks frowning as he replayed it but ended up looking like a duck flapping it's wings.

"let me tell you how to do this?", Ash chimed in middle as he made a step of his own.

Bhuvi got up from his place as well, "that was horrible Ashely. I'll tell you how to do it"

Yuzi was itching to leave his boring magazine and help the lads out and the dancer in him  did eventually.

"you all are doing it wrong. Do it this way", spoke Yuzi and performed it but stopped in middle realising he had broken the protocol.

He bit his tongue as the others celebrated but soon smiled sheepishly.

The four of them performed together along with Yuzi bumping into each other resulting in them tangling and falling as a log.

They burst out laughing loud as they wriggled to stand.

"stop being so loud and let us enjoy some moments of peace", Jaddu shook his head in disappointed.

"exactly, even Virat is sleeping, stop being so messy", added Harry, chivalrously.

"you guys are no fun", scoffed Ash as he stood straight, he gave his hand to Jinks to help him but as soon as Jinks tried to catch it, he pulled it back laughing a very Jaddu like laugh.

Jinks muttered under his breath as he fell back to the ground.

"stop it Ash", said Jaddu, sternly this time as he and Hardik helped all of them up.

"will someone wake him up, he's sleeping since afternoon", interrupted a very irritated Rohit.

Ash and Bhuvi immediately brightened as they ran to the bathroom to get a small bucket filled with water.

Before Jaddu and Hardik can say anything, they emptied the entire bucket on Virat.

Virat woke up with a jolt.

All of them burst out laughing with Rohit predictably loudest of them all.

Jaddu past him a towel as he glared at Bhuvi and Ash who were grinning widely.

"that was very rude of you guys", added a baffled Shreyas.

Ash and Bhuvi very casually shrugged as they settled on their seats again.

"why are you always after my sleep?", growled Virat as he pointed an accusing finger in Rohit's direction.

"why do you always sleep?", countered Rohit back.

Virat was about to argue back but Harry swiftly interrupted, "you should change first Virat"

Virat got up and glared at Rohit who returned the favour equally before walking towards his closet.

This day was indeed very fun.

Heya here's the first part.

I hope you enjoyed it!

Also now that I have written so many os and ts, do tell me which one has been your favourite?

Ps: you can also mention from the first part.

All the love.

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