Mahi Bhai & Jealous? 1

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Completely fictional scenario. Set in good old days when Mahi bhai played international cricket.

Happy reading!


Mahi narrowed his eyes as he watched the MI tv video on his phone.

"papa stop moving." Ziva scolded as she applied the second coat of the glittery blue nail polish.

"which senior were you most closest to while in the team?"

"I have always had great respect for all of them, they supported me all the time especially when I started the captaincy but Zak made me feel at home when I joined." Rohit laughed merrily recalling an incident from the past.

"do you guys keep in touch outside mi?"

"we do, we do. We are constantly checking on each other. We also relate a lot since both of us love to sleep. He sends me memes all the time and we have a good laugh about it."

MS clicked on the next link even when he knew he should stop.

"Rohit told us that you send memes to him."

Zak laughed before speaking, "I do. He's one of my closest from the team-"

He stopped when Rohit came into the screen, grinning cheekily as he side hugged him and commented on something.

"you're the best big brother."

"but you never call me brother." Zak teased.

"fine I'll call you Zak bhai then." both of them dissolved in laughter again.

ZAK BHAI, REALLY? since when did Zak become ThE bESt BiG BrOtHeR?, Mahi huffed in annoyance.

He knew that Rohit and Zak were close but were they this close? Closer than them?

If this video was about Virat, he wouldn't have minded much since Virat had always been a little too expressive with his emotions and in the end the entire world knew how much he loved him but with Rohit the case was different.

Rohit never expressed his love for anyone publicly, he was always careful with his words.
MS could not think of one time where Rohit talked about his relationship with him other than professional cricket.

Mahi sat straighter as realisation dawned upon him, nobody knew the kind of relation he shared with Rohit.

Rohit was his first kid, he was the first one who made him feel those big brother instincts when he joined the team and yet no one talked about their relation.

A weird feeling settled in his stomach and how much he wanted to disagree with the fact but he hated the video and the conversation and most importantly the comments under it.

Another realisation hit him when he discerned that Rohit had not for once come to meet him into his room since yesterday when he joined the team for the next match.

Virat had barged in the second he reached the hotel and had left only at night.

MS took a deep breath and realised he had to do something on his own now and he will.

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