You're Also My Kid 2

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Rahul banged Virat's room door open. Virat was laid on his bed watching some show, looked at the prowler.

Rahul downhearted entered the room with his shoulders slumped, a clearly irritated look on his face and threw himself on the other side of the bed.

Virat looked at him weirdly, Rahul dramatically entering the room didn't sit well with him. This was something Harry would do.

He kept his hand on his forehead.

"what are you doing?", asked a annoyed Rahul.

"just checking your temperature, Rahuliya. What is wrong?", asked Virat, calmly as he shifted Rahul's head from the bed to his lap.

"this is so unfair", sighed Rahul.

"what is unfair? ", asked a confused Virat, his hand automatically massaging Rahul's head to calm him down.

"all this, Rohit is being unfair to me", scowled Rahul.


Now this was actually concerning, Rahul came to him, complaining about Rohit?

"he's not paying me attention", complained Rahul.

"me too", said Virat but seeing his face quickly added in Rohit's defense, "but he's busy with other kids and debutants Surya and Ishan, he wants to make them feel home"

"toh he can spare time for Shreyas, Rishabh and even Hardik and Jassi, they were practically with him all time and he can't spent time with me. He didn't even look at me", wailed Rahul.

Virat was taken back with his words. Rahul was upset because he didn't get to spent time with Rohit. Looks like Rohit is in great demand, he chuckled mentally.

"what are you smiling at?", snapped Rahul, Virat out of his thoughts.

"nothing how about we go out for walk?", smiled Virat.

"I don't want to", Rahul rolled on his bed, muttering.

Virat rolled his eyes as he pulled him up, "don't be a lazy ass, get up. We are going out and that's final"

Virat cheerfully dragged Rahul out of the room while Rahul sulking followed him.

Rohit who happened to come from the opposite direction noticed them.

"oh thank God you're here, Rahul, I was worried when I didn't find you in your room", exhaled Rohit.

"why, go to your other kids", muttered Rahul under his breathe.

Virat who stood nearby heard and laughed while Rohit looked confused between the two.

"I'm going to my room Virat. We'll go out some other time", said Rahul as he made his way to his room ignoring Rohit.

"isko kya hua h?", asked a puzzled Rohit.

"sab Teri galti h"



"meine kya kiya?", frowned Rohit, what did he have to do with Rahul's bad mood?

"you made plans with everyone except him and you think he's okay. He's a possessive kid", chuckled Virat.

Rohit face palmed himself and shook his head.

"go, make it up to him", smiled Virat as he patted on Rohit's back.

Rohit nodded as he ran from the corridor, Virat too turned to spent rest of the night alone.

"Virat", called out Rohit from the end.

Virat turned to look at him.

"kal breakfast saath mein", he winked as he ran back.

Virat grinned as he now happily skipped to his room.

Rohit knocked on Rahul's door and waited for him to open it.

Rahul opened the door and was ready to close it again.

"atleast let me come in", he stepped his foot between the door.

"what do you want?", asked Rahul as he let him enter the room finally.

"ah nothing important, I didn't get to meet you before so I came to spent some time with you", grinned Rohit as he made himself comfortable on the bed and kept the small bag in his hand beside him which Rahul had failed to acknowledge in the corridor.

"didn't you have a movie night?", scoffed Rahul though happiness spread through his veins.

"we did but I left early"


"didn't feel like watching. Anyways I have got you something"

"what?", Rahul curiously peeked in the small bag.

He slowly unwrapped it to reveal two tickets to the nearest amusement in London.

His head shot up in surprise.

Rohit started, " I know you like amusement parks so I got the tickets. We can go there and try all the rides and spent the entire day together. Just the two of us". As he finished Rahul promptly jumped pulling him in a bear hug.

"thank you", whispered Rahul.

"for what?"

"for all the pep talks that you have given me, for all the time you have stayed with me to make me feel better, for the all the time you got me hot chocolate because I couldn't sleep, for all the time you stood up to support me. I can never thank you enough"

"you don't have to silly. I did all those things because I care for you, we're a family. You're hold a special place in my heart and that place only belongs to you. You're also my kid and I love you, baccha" , said Rohit warmly as he ruffled Rahul's hair.

" I thought, you didn't want to spent the time with me", said Rahul in a small voice.

Rohit lightly hit him on his head, "tu na Virat ke saath reh reh ke Zyaada sochne laga h, yeh dimag acchi chizo mein lagaya Kar jese ki khana or Sona"

(you too have started overthinking while staying with Virat. Use this brain of yours in good things like food and sleep)

While Rahul rolled his eyes, he also couldn't stop the grin from forming.

Rohit would always be special to Rahul and likewise.

Heyaa I hope you liked it!!

All the love.

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