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Virat took a deep breath to turn for the fifth call for the day. A slightly tensed Jaddu came into view. He quickly approached him and put one hand on his shoulder and smiled cheerfully but Virat knew the concern lying underneath it.

"I'm fine and healthy. Do you want me to run and show it to you too?" asked Virat scornfully.

Jaddu relaxed visibly but cleared his throat before he spoke, "what are you talking about? I'm not worried for you."

"of course Jad, of course." Virat rolled his eyes at his delusional acting.

Jaddu smiled sheepishly as he thumped him on the back.
"you know I'm not like Rohit but errr.... you can always talk to me about you know things." he spoke hesitantly.

"I know." Virat replied, biting his inner cheeks to stop himself from smiling. It was cute and weird to see Jaddu expressing his emotions like that but Virat knew better to not laugh otherwise who knows if Jaddu really travels with his Jamnagar ki talvar.

"good." Jaddu muttered and fled away from the scene in embarrassment.


"oh dear lord." Virat almost let out a cry in horror.

This time it was Bhuvi who was running towards him. He had a bowl of water and a towel in his hand.

"I went to your room but you weren't there. Are you okay?" Bhuvi panted a little before his unsettled eyes scanned his face for any discomfort.
Hardik was right behind him and instantly came and stood next to him.

"are you okay Virat?" he exclaimed as he dramatically shook him.

Virat tripped on his place before he straightened and glared at Hardik.

Bhuvi had already pulled Harry towards himself, scolding him a little and turned back towards Virat waiting for an answer.

" I'm okay you guys." Virat sighed.

"really?" Bhuvi squinted his eyes at him in a very don't you dare lie to me, I know you like the back of my hand kinda manner.

If Virat wasn't annoyed, he would have most definitely pulled Bhuvi's cheeks in adoration but he was so he only managed a smile.

"I am."

"you're the fifth wait sixth person who has asked me if I'm okay.
I met Ash and Yuzi previously and they put a hot water bag on my leg for no reason and ran me around the room like a kid to see if I'm really okay." Virat immediately went into complain mode.

"so you have been okay?" Hardik frowned in confusion.

"Haan benstokes. Kaun afway fela raha h?" Virat fumed but Bhuvi swear he looked cute rather than annoyed.

[who is spreading these rumors?]

Virat might be irritated with the amount of people running behind him, asking him if he was okay but he was also overwhelmed with the love and care his teammates showered him with.


Virat turned to look at yet another familiar voice but before he could say anything, Rohit had already tackled him in a bear hug.

"are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere? Why aren't you resting and roaming around like this? Let me take you to your bed." Rohit fretted as he pulled back from him.

"but before that please drink this kada to help with the fever." he forwarded the obnoxious looking drink from Jassi's hand into his.

Virat's head went back in tiredness of explaining the same thing again and again before his eyes widened comically at the mentioned kada.

"oh my god, you look so unwell and worn out." Rohit rambled hastily.

Virat's puppy eyes begged Bhuvi and Hardik to do something but Hardik immediately threw his hands up and took a step back.

Fighting with Rohit when he was in a motherhen mode was deadly and should not be performed under any circumstances except for the professionals like Mahi bhai.

"I heard from Siraj that you were sick last night. Why didn't you tell me anything? We always share things Virat."

"wait you were sick?" Bhuvi asked in confusion.

"but Jaddu told us that that you were crying last night in your room." Hardik looked at him dumbfounded.

"but I heard that you tripped and fell from the stairs." interrupted Ash, a hand on his waist.

They all looked at each other once and then at Virat in confusion.
Virat himself looked extremely out of sorts with the words floating around before his mouth formed an O in realisation and he slapped his forehead.
Everyone waited impatiently for an explanation.

"call everyone in my room in 10 minutes. I'll explain."

Virat started walking towards his room with Rohit still latched behind him.

"but Virat this...," he pointed towards the glass in his hand.

"tu hi pe le." Virat passed it a disgusting eye as he pushed it away.

[you drink it up]

"but I made it for you with so much love and care." Rohit's face turned offended.

"I never said I'm sick so I'm not drinking it." Virat shrugged in nonchalance.

"so you'll not drink this by yourself?"


Rohit's face turned to calmness before he handed the glass back to Jassi and held Virat tightly.

"I don't care, you have to." Rohit signaled Ash to put it into his mouth because poor Jassi could never do that to his Virat bhaiya.

Virat's howls fell into deaf ear before he gulped the disgusting liquid.


Virat's sickened expressions turned a bit better as he munched on the chocolate, sending a harsh glare towards Rohit's way in between every munch but Rohit seemed to be prone to it as he passed him a smug and pleased expressions in return.

In a few minutes everyone was in his room.

He looked at all of them looking at him in concern.

"if anyone of you asks me one more time if I'm okay, I'm gonna throw you out of this room." he warned and everyone simultaneously shrank back in their places.

Pleased with himself he spoke, "so who started this entire nonsense?"

"Yuzi and I heard from Rahul that you tripped down the stairs." Ash spoke first.

A dozen voices rumbled together.
Virat glared at all of them before they quickly shut up.
He turned to look at Rahul.

"Jaddu told me that you're crying last time so we discussed and came to the conclusion that you might have tripped down the stairs because we saw you limping yesterday."

"but Jaddu bhai told us that you had fever because you refused dinner last night."

Virat turned towards Jaddu with a deadpan expression.
Jaddu looked like a dear caught in red light.

"I never said any of that. These guys assumed on their own. I only said about the crying which I heard while I was passing by your room." Jaddu replied innocently.

"then why didn't you correct us?" Rahul asked exasperated.

"what's the fun in that?" he shrugged.

Everyone released a breath in relief before they all glared at Jaddu who smiled sweetly in return.

"but question still remains the same, why were you crying last time?" Rohit turned towards Virat.

"well you see...," Virat rubbed the back of his neck, his cheeks turning slightly red in embarrassment, " I was watching titanic last night and I cried when Jack died."



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