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Set in an absolutely fictional scenario.


MS put down his phone smiling fondly. Unfortunately Sakshi couldn't accompany him on the tour this time, it had only been 2 days but he missed her already.

He looked at the wall clock and his smiling face immediately turned into a frown.

Virat, Jaddu and Rohit had gone out in the evening and had informed him that they'll be back soon but it was already 12, where were those kids?

MS decided to wait for a while because he knew they'll come to his room to inform when they're back but he couldn't fandom when he actually fell asleep.

After a while his phone rang, breaking his nap.

"where in the world are you?" MS asked sternly as soon as he picked up.

"bhai." Virat said meekly.

"yes what happened? Are you guys okay?" he asked rubbing his eyes.

"bhai, we're on a tree."

"What? Which tree and why are you there?" He asked in confusion.

"Jaddu stop moving, you're pushing me off."

"I can't help it, Virat is taking my space." Jaddu complained back.

"it's a long story, we'll tell you everything but please get us out of here. The watchman is roaming here and we'll be in huge trouble if he catches us. I have sent you the location."


*some time back"

"just do it Rohit." Jaddu hyped as he passed him the egg basket.

"you can do this." Virat joined thumping him hard on the back.

"do we really have to do this?" Rohit asked as he looked around nervously.

"didn't you say you're over her?" Virat asked sharply.

"I'm." Rohit defended quickly, "but throwing eggs at someone's house isn't the most ideal way of declaring that."

"this is the best way, trust me." Jaddu assured, "this gives inner peace like nothing else, ask Virat, he has done it so many times."

"yes and moreover we are doing this to be sure. " Virat nodded.

"but why? I told you I'm over her and I won't be going back to her." Rohit pleaded but all his calls for mercy fell in deaf ears.

"Rohit." Jaddu held his shoulder before staring right in his eyes, "don't you remember the number of times she has made you feel bad about yourself, the way she had ditched you for someone else and didn't feel an ounce of regret. The way the made you feel guilty about things you didn't even do."

"exactly, the least she can do is clean her windows the next day." Virat scoffed from behind.

Jaddu knew he was pumping Rohit and damn it worked, Rohit was seething in rage as he picked up an egg and threw it at her window.

" that's my boy, you go Rohit." Virat cheered, clapping his hands wildly.

Jaddu grinned menacingly before hifing Virat as the duo watched Rohit empty the basket.

"Rohit what in the world are you doing?" She yelled as she came to the balcony.

"returning all the eggs that you said you allegedly made but actually ordered from outside." Rohit yelled back.

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