Deja Vu

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For plot convince, Rahul is the part of all the five test matches against eng🤏🏻

It's been a while since I last wrote so might be a little patchy in places but happy reading!


Rohit plopped on the bed tiredly. He wasn't a huge fan of media interactions and press conferences because most of the times they simply wanted to dug out gossips and rifts.

He had a hard time keeping a check on the sarcasm slipping so casually when the reporters asked him such nonsensical questions. Some almost made him scoff while some simply amused him.

A soft knock on the door startled him. Who was this God sent child when ict was a team of hooligans?

It was followed by a loud banging, Rohit sighed in relief before he got up to open it.

"I told you, you need to knock a little loudly." Shubman preached to Devdutt when Rohit came into view.

"you almost broke the door, I won't call it knocking." Yashasvi scoffed before he yelped when Shubman elbowed him in the ribs.

"did we disturb you Rohit bhaiya?" Sarfaraz asked sweetly ignoring the little tussle between the two openers.

Rohit shook his head smiling fondly at them before ushering them inside.

"we actually got you something bhaiya, to thank you for the support you gave us and for being the best captain." Dhruv nervously forwarded the cuboidal box in his hands.

Rohit's first instinct was to jump away from the said box. The last time he had juniors barging in his room with a gift, had him scared for a good couple of nights.

His second thought was the stark difference between the first gen kids and them. A little nurturing under Virat Kohli and he was sure, they would be in the competition too.


"Rohit bhaiya, we have gotten you a gift." Rishabh announced as he dramatically whooshed the object in the air.

"for me?" Rohit raised his head from the data sheet he was analysing.

"yes, you." Kuldeep smiled widely at him, promptly making Rohit smile too.

"and why is that?" he asked, finally keeping the document away and giving his full attention to the monkey troop.

"because we love you." Yuzi answered a little too eagerly, "I mean, we got Virat bhaiya a gift too but since you're the vice captain, we needed to thank you as well for the support."

"oh." Rohit felt a sudden jolt of warmth rumbling through his chest.

"yes oh. Now don't waste time and open it." Hardik dumped the big box in his lap as his eyes twinkled in mischief.

"what is this?" Rohit unwrapped the blinky gift wrap excitedly.

Jassi immediately felt guilty about what was about to come and it didn't take long before a shrill scream escaped Rohit's mouth and he was jumping in his place.

The hideous looking doll slipped from his hands and fell on the ground.

Rohit scrambled as far as could with a hand on his chest.

Before he could say anything Virat burst in the room, looking quiet traumatised himself.

"oh they have already reached you." he sighed before turning to look at Rohit sympathetically, "sorry Ro, I couldn't save you."

"what is this?" Rohit asked calmly once the tremor had passed through.

Kuldeep, Jassi and Shreyas looked a little upset while Hardik, Rishabh and Yuzi looked slightly more alarmed.

"I asked what is this?" he asked a little more loudly this time.

"Jaddu bhaiya gaslighted us into doing this." Rishabh finally mumbled.

Seeing Rohit's confused face, Virat stepped in, "apparently Jaddu has told them that ki hum darpok hai and they took it upon themselves to prove to him that we are actually very brave." Virat shot the guilty squad a glare before bending down to pick up the ugly and repulsive looking thing.

"I'm brave." Rohit tried getting the words out confidently but it almost came out as a squeak when Virat put it in his front of his face,"dur rakh isko merese."

"sure Ro, they can very well see how brave you are." Virat nodded deadpan, sarcasm dripping down his voice.

"shut up and where is that Jadeja? I'll teach that bastard a good lesson this time." he fumed.

"he just ran away when I entered the room, he was outside filming it all." Virat quipped in.

"we'll have to do something with him." Rohit muttered to Virat.

"don't worry, I have already put it in motion" Virat winked at him.

"sorry Rohit bhaiya, we got a little defensive, we won't do anything like this again." Rishabh apologised with his head down while all of them nodded along.

Seeing their shoulders weighing down in regret, Rohit melted immediately, "you wouldn't?"


"fine." all of them crowded the two of them in a group hug making them laugh in delight.

"wow I have never seen anything more scary than this." Rohit glanced at it when they all scattered around.

"oh it isn't all." Virat smiled innocently.


"Virat bhai nahi-"

"Matlab yeh..." Virat pressed some button on it's back and it immediately started laughing aloud making all the color drain from Rohit's face.


while Virat wheezed in laughter.

"THROW THAT DAMN THING AWAY." Rohit kicked Virat's leg in disgust.

"before I put it where it belongs-"

"-in the garbage bin, yes now!"

"-yes there but we have to put it on test with someone else who claims to be equally brave." Virat's eyes gleamed.

"who?" Rishabh leaned down in curiosity.

"Rahul meri jaan." Harry crackled as he hified Virat.

"Oh God no." Jassi and Rohit face palmed themselves when Rahul yelled 100 curses in Kannada 10 minutes later.

Flashback ends.

"Rohit-" Rahul's eye fell on the big   box as he entered the room and the way his eyes flashed, Rohit was sure he was experiencing a similar sort of deja vu, "I'll come a little later, bye."

"no no join us, the vice captain deserves some praise too no?" he asked the group as he gripped and pulled Rahul by the hood of his hoodie.

"of course Rahul bhai, infact we were about to come to your room next." Shubman smiled at him.

Rahul's eyes widened comically before he hissed at Rohit, "what have I done to you? I wasn't even there last time."

"Rohit bhai- good night, sweet dreams I'll see you tomorrow guys, bye." Jassi tried fleeing before Rahul was pulling him back.


"now I understand why Jaddu bhaiya is standing outside with a phone." Jassi grimaced.

"well, welcome to the club guys. Hopefully many more such experiences to come in future.", Rohit smiled sarcastically at them.


so.... any thoughts?

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