I Know

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Sorry for being late but here's an update as promised.

Happy reading!!



"rise and shine, Ro", Virat sing-songed as he twirled around in the room.

Rohit winced at the unnecessary interruption in his dear sleep.

"fuck off", he mumbled as he buried his head in the covers.

Virat rolled his eyes, he decided to be patient and gentle to wake him up but guess what, he would have to go with the traditional method.

He climbed on the bed and rolled his sleeves up as he got ready to snatch his sheets.

"what the hell is wrong with you?", yelled Rohit as he tried to release his opponent's mighty grip on his precious blanket.

"get up. It's already 12 noon. How much more do you want to sleep?", said Virat as he flicked Rohit's forehead.

"it's a day off. We're supposed to rest", mumbled Rohit as he tried sleeping again.

"taking rest doesn't mean you hibernate, Rolar Polar bear", said Virat sweetly.

Rohit peaked from under the covers, raising his eyebrows at Virat's absurd nickname, "why would you call me that?"

"polar bears hibernate and so do you", Virat smirked devilishly.

"don't call me that", snapped Rohit, trying to look intimidating but Virat swear he looked like a squishy teddy bear and Virat couldn't help but aww at the sight and pinch his cheeks while Rohit slapped his hand away.

Rohit had his eyes half open, half droopy, hair tousled in all directions, giving him a spike.

Just then the door banged open and a wailing Ishan entered the room with a clearly pissed SKY behind him.

"Rohit bhaiyaa", wailed Ishan, dramatically.

Rohit instantly sat upright and looked at Ishan with concerned eyes.

Ishan noticed Virat's presence and calmly wished him good morning before he squalled to Rohit again.

"what happened bacha?", Rohit asked as he patted the space next to him for Ishan to seat.

"Rohit bhaiya, Surya stole my lucky bat", said Ishan pointing an accusing finger in Surya's direction.

"I told you I didn't", argued SKY, annoyed on being targeted.

"yes you did, you threatened me yesterday, saying if I didn't return your jacket, you'll hide my exclusively signed bat. You know that's my lucky bat", howled Ishan again.

Virat looked confused while Rohit seemed to be grasping the situation.

"It's okay Ishan. Don't worry, I'll sign another bat for you", said Rohit comfortingly as he rubbed Ishan's back.

"you will?"

"of course, even Virat will sign. Wouldn't you?", Rohit turned his head in Virat's direction.

"errr sure", smiled Virat.

"thank you, thank you", cried Ishan happily.

"there you are. I have been searching for you all around. See I found your bat in my kitbag, we exchanged our bats in the practice session", said Shreyas as he entered the room and forwarded the bat in Ishan's direction.

Ishan looked at the bat wide eyed and then sheepishly turned at look at Surya who was glaring daggers at him.

"hehe, my mistake", chuckled Ishan nervously.

"glad that you realised", said Surya sarcastically, not amused with the situation.

He turned and dashed out of the room.

Ishan looked at Rohit's direction.

"we'll still sign it to avoid situations like this in future", chuckled Rohit at the scene unfolding in front of him.

Ishan grinned ear to ear before he sprinted in his best friend's direction to pacify him.

Shreyas also left the room suddenly remembering to collect his parcel from Bhuvi's room leaving the two best friends alone again.

Rohit sighed as he closed his eyes again and rested his head on the head board.

Virat looked at Rohit's tired figure and decided not to annoy him further and quietly climbed next to him.

Rohit shifted his position, now keeping his head on Virat's shoulder.

No words were spoken and they sat (more like Rohit slept) in a comfortable silence.

Virat took his phone out and started surfing through social media, seeing a lot posts praising Rohit for his captainship and Virat swored proudly.

His face scrunched in disgust when he saw a few posts still talking about their unknown rift.

He stiffened and Rohit's hand instantly went to his head patting his hair, calming him down.

"what's wrong?", Rohit mumbled incoherently.

"they still think we have a rift and that I'm jealous of you. You know I'm not, I..", rambled Virat suddenly feeling a need to explain himself.

"shushh I know", Rohit tightened his grip around Virat's shoulder and Virat instantly relaxed in his side.

"no let me say this. Everytime you hit a run, score a century or take a catch, I feel so notable. I feel so happy with every achievement of yours, almost like a dad and the way you handled your first series as a captain. I am so proud.

"So fucking proud", Virat smiled.

Rohit looked up to see an emotional Virat which was very rare off field and Rohit couldn't help but smile back at his platonic soulmate.

"now that we are actually having this talk, you were the best captain ever, after Mahi bhai. Always supporting us, no matter what without thinking about yourself. The way you motivated us on and off field, pushed us to give our 100% percent. You were always there to listen to us even at midnight,  always opened your door with a smile. Have I told ya lately that I'm so proud.

"so fucking proud"

Virat couldn't help but feel blessed and overwhelmed with Rohit's words. It wasn't very often that Rohit expressed himself with words, it was difficult for him to convey exactly what he felt because of his reserved nature but he made sure to be the support no matter what.

"I don't know if I'll be even half as good as you", Rohit muttered in a small voice.

"trust me, you'll be better than me"

Finally a one shot!

Tell me what you guys think!!

Also for me the most difficult part about writing a os or ts is keeping the title. God I'm so horrible at it so I come up with the most basic of the titles:-[

So suggest me some titles for this one, please!

All the love.

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