Between The Two 1

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Another update in the same day?¿ Well the author is on a writing spree😌

firstly I thought I'll make a separate book for this but then I decided to publish in this. It's a three part story, i hope you'll enjoy.

For those of you who have forgotten the premise, please check out the prologue with the same name.

I'll try updating all the three parts by tomorrow or day after.

Happy reading!


Virat looked at the clock, time seemed to pass strickenly slow and every second in that deadpan room made Virat even more anxious and suffocated.

How everything changes in a matter of days right? Until some time ago, the team was flourishing. They were winning back to back series, the boys were in good spirit, Virat had never been more happier and then suddenly everything came crashing down.

They were rested for some days before the next series. Virat was all pumped up and excited for this until he saw the two most important people of his life yelling at each other.

Virat had never seen Mahi bhai yell at anybody let alone Rohit, his first kid.
Virat knew Rohit would never ever raise his voice in front of Mahi bhai but here they were.

Air knocked out of his system as he watched them accusing each other of such degrading things.

"atleast it wasn't me who was caught in a match fixing scandal." sneered Rohit, his eyes full of hatred as he spat the words out.

"Rohit." Virat looked at him in surprise and sudden anger.

Everybody in the team knew that the match fixing accusation still haunted Mahi bhai.

He could hear any and every thing but an allegation on his honesty was something he was still sensitive about.

"you made that decision to drop me from the 2011 world cup." he accused further.

"and I'll do it again if I had to do it today." Virat had never seen such coldness and hardness in Mahi bhai's voice and eyes.

His knees suddenly felt weak, he felt as if he'll drop any second if he didn't get any support.

The team standing behind him, watching the entire scene unfold was just as baffled and shocked to say anything.

"I knew it." Rohit let out an humourless laugh before he poked a finger at his chest, "You always played for yourself, pretending to be all patriotic but in reality you were always selfish and self-centered."

Mahi bhai closed his eyes as Rohit stormed out of the room.

Both of them refused to talk to anyone about the matter. Always avoiding each other to their best measures.

The playfulness vanished completely from the team and the atmosphere turned dull and aching.

Virat didn't know how to help them, only one question lingered in the air,

What had happened in those 10 days?

Sakshi and Ritika were just as miserable, having no clue to what went wrong.

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