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"He's in a mood right now

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"He's in a mood right now." Marcus warned Sybil after she asked where Sire was. "He in my guest room, showed up pissed off. I'd think it's best you leave him alone. He ain't cool to be around when he like this."

Sybil frowned and placed her purse and coat on Marcus couch.

She looked down the hall and sighed to herself.

"I'm still gonna go check on him."

Marcus shrugged. "Your funeral."

She waved him off and walked down the hall. Getting to the closed door, she leaned against it hesitantly.

Taking a deep breath she knocked lightly. Waiting for an answer she looked back toward the living room at Marcus.

"I'm finna go to the store."

She gave him a nod and knocked on the door again.

Sire heard the knocks and glared at the door as he sat in the dark. Ain't no way Marcus was bothering him, he knew better.

But somebody was begging to get fucked up.

Sire got up quickly, after the third knock. He swung the door open angrily, everything coming to a halt when he saw Sybil.

She looked up at him and her face filled with worry. The grimace on his face showed an anger she had never seen before.

"What?"  He questioned as he flicked the light switch.

"I was just tryna checking on you."

"I'm good." He proceeded to shut the door in her face but Sybil placed her hand up to stop it.

"Don't be rude."

He scoffed.

"I ain't in the mood to deal witchu aight? So just back the fuck up."

Sybil was taken aback.


"Really." He said seriously.


He looked at her like she was crazy. "No?"

"That's what the fuck I said." She forcefully pushed past him into the guest room and Sire shut his eyes.

She was gon get strangled in a second.

"I'm really not gon do this witchu cuz ima hurt ya fuckin feelings."

"That's nice, I don't care. What's wrong witchu?"

"Sybil you ain't my bitch."

He shut the door and looked back at her. Knowing he already fucked up.

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