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Sitting in the wet cemetery , I replayed everything in my head

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Sitting in the wet cemetery , I replayed everything in my head. All of Sire's words from the other day.

The bomb he had dropped on me was enormous.

Staring down at the headstone I felt all kinds of angry. All kinds of hurt.

My whole life was a lie and my existence was one creation of turmoil.

"You lied....." I spoke out into the air. As if she could hear me.

"You tortured him....his whole life and you lied to me about it. You lied about who I was. Who knows what else?"

Thunder rumbled above me as it began to rain, reverting my straight hair back to its messy curls as they hit my head. I didn't bother pulling my hood up.

"You ruined our lives.....I wish you were here. I'd kill you myself."

Lightning cracked and I jumped at the sound. Standing up and I laughed.

"That's probably you. You mad huh?"

I grabbed the sledgehammer I had dragged with me.

"You don't deserve good memories kept."

Lifting if, I swung it swiftly into the headstone, sending a crack up the middle.

"Loving and Doting." I laughed. "More like Liar and Abuser."

I swung again from above, taking a chunk out of the corner.

"Fake grave for a fake bitch!"

I cried and swung again. Hearing footsteps behind me, I ignored them and kept swinging.


"You have any idea the damaged you caused! Or did you just not care!?" 

Swinging a final time, I sent the entire headstone into rubble. Feeling arms wrapped around me as I fell to the ground.

"Get off of me!"

"Nah....we gotta get you outta here fore police show up."

"Let em."

"You'on want that. Trust me. Prison ain't fun." I looked up at Sire, rain drops sliding down his face.

"She deserved this. She deserved to die."

He didn't speak, he only lifted me from the ground and led me away. Grabbing the sledgehammer in his hand.

"Ima take you home." He mumbled, leading me back to his car.


"I didn't want you to know." Sire mumbled to me as I made myself a cup of tea.

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