Part 1

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Being king of a whole city wasn't Kaeya's idea of 'exicting'. He's been dreading this day ever since he was a little boy.

"You look wonderful dear." Kaeya's mother, Mrs. Alberich, smiled and admired her sons handsome face.

"I still think he should've found a wife before he became king." His father, Mr. Alberich, put out his cigarette on the table.

"Oh, give him a break. He'll find a lovely lady soon! He's still young." Mrs. Alberich kissed her husbands cheek.

Kaeya sighed and rolled his eyes, "Come on darling, you don't want to keep your people waiting!" His mother lead him to a stage type area. His father followed.

After about half an hour of his father long speech, he finally got to get out of his chair and speak. There were papers on the stand for Kaeya to read off of, he yawned then began reading them.

After everyone clapped and cheered like they just won the lottery. The cheering soon stopped when a guard called out, "HEY STOP RIGHT THERE!" Everyone watched the guard run after a boy with blonde hair, who had a bag in his hand. Probably filled with valuables.

The blonde boy threw something, the guard, and other guards that decided to join in on the run, got confused and just stared at it.

It blew up in there faces and everyone's gasped as the clean air turned into a dirty, smokey, fog.

Kaeya sneezed, he opened his watery eyes to see the blonde boy getting away with one more person by his side..must be going to the other side of town.

No one ever went to the other side of town, well, unless they lived there, which was unlikely because almost everyone in town was rich enough to live closer to the kings castle.

People not rich enough would go on the other side of town and do whatever they did. Kaeya was never aloud to go there because it would, quote on quote 'corrupt his mind'. What a bunch of bull shit.

The dirty fog cleared up and Mr. Alberich reassured everyone that the thief's would be taken care of. Whatever that means.

"Back to our about to be new king.." Mr. Alberich took off his crown slowly. Kaeya did get a bit nervous. Mr. Alberich turned to Kaeya and walked towards him, "I do hope you don't disappoint your people." His father slowly placed the crown on Kaeya's head.

"May he now be the ruler of this city until the day his future son turns 18!" His father confidently called out. The large crowd cheered for Kaeya..he felt appreciated..but it wasn't enough to him. He knew they didn't really love him. They just liked him as a king, they wouldn't do anything to keep him safe.

Kaeya and his parents then walked back into their house, the door was right next to the staircase of the stairs so they didn't have to walk through a large crowd just to get to their front door.

As soon as the door closed Kaeya took off the crown and looked at it, his reflection being seen through the diamonds.

"I'm proud of you." His father placed a hand on his shoulder, Kaeya looked up at him and smiled slightly.

"Thank you, father." Kaeya replied keeping the smile.


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