Part 22

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"Scaramouche? What are you doing here?" Dottore said when he opened the door to his office. "Where the fuck were you?!" Scaramouche semi shouted, trying not be that rude.

"That's no way to talk to your superior Scaramouche. I simply went out for a drink, something wrong with that?" Dottore mocked.

Scaramouche grunted as he looked away, "About Valentin's project. I'm not letting you destroy that thing, and he isn't either. I don't know what he's doing in his little fucking lab but I do know you're not laying a finger on it." Scaramouche pointed his finger out mid sentence.

Dottore just looked at Scaramouche and left. Pretty obvious where he was going.


"Valentin, Valentin where are you?!" Dottore shouted when he entered Valentin's lab.

"Dottore~!" He sang as he came up from behind the project, Valentin smirked at Dottore with a unsettling look.

"I heard that you wanted to destroy my project, though I've been thinking about it and..I feel it should be finally be used instead of being destroyed." Valentin walked about to Dottore with the same unsettling smirk on his face.

"What do you mean," Dottore asked as he stared back at Valentin. "I mean exactly what I said, I'm going to use this project. You aren't destroy three years worth of my life!" Valentin went over to the lever.

"Don't touch that Valentin." Dottore ordered as he put a hand on his gun strap. "What, you 'gonna shoot me?" Valentin let out a small chuckle, Dottore eyes looked daring.

"I know you won't." Valentin gripped the lever tighter then before like he was getting ready to pull it.

They stared at each other for a minute before Valentin pulled the lever, causing the ceiling to open and the project to go up slowly.

"It's facing directly to Celeste City, the clock tower to be more specific!" Valentin ran his finger along the lever with a smirk.

Dottore pulled his gun out and faced it directly at Valentin, "You're shaking." Valentin said, noticing that Dottore was scared of shooting him.

"I can press a button faster then you can shoot a bullet Dottore." Valentin hovered his hand over a red button labeled 'DO NOT TOUCH' in all caps.

"Not like you even have the balls to shoot me!" Valentin chuckled, "Valentin, we have to destroy have no say in this." Dottore spoke.

Valentin sighed, "I think I should have a say in it, I made it after all." Valentin said.

"I'm tired of stalling now." Valentin said as his hand went closer to the button until Dottore shouted to stop. Valentin looked up at Dottore.

"You'll kill both of us! It's not ready, you said it yourself said it'll detonate." Dottore started sweating, "And why should I care?" Valentin replied. Dottore stayed silent.

"I'm sorry Dottore.".

Valentin was about to slam his hand down on the button, Dottore closing his eyes to not see it. But he didn't hear the button even be touched by the slightest.

He slowly opened his eyes and saw Valentin with his eyes wide, stumble backwards and falling.

It's just then when noticed the bullet in Valentin's stomach.

"VALENTIN!" He rushed over and bent down, his mind flooding with worry and regret.

"Valentin..Valentin you're alright, you're fine, you're gonna be fine, it's okay, I'm..I'm sorry." Dottore felt his eyes begin to burn and his throat feel clogged.

Valentin eyes felt heavy, he tried keeping them opening. "Please..Valentin, please..I'm sorry, you'll survive some how," Dottores tears landed on Valentin's neck.

"Dottore.." Valentin spoke, half gasping for air. Dottore looked at Valentin with blurry, teary eyes.

"I'm scared."


MIGHT CHANGE MY NAME TO VALENTIN BC OF HOW MUCH HE COMFORTS ME LMAOOO also I can't believe I'm killing him off -Author

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