Part 20

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Heyyyy we made it to 20 chapters! Thank you so much for reading and leaving likes and comments! I really do enjoy reading the comments, the funny ones are my favorite!

Glad you're enjoying this

I still can't believe I started this in November and it's almost the end of December


Valentin decided to start to go back after he walked for 30 minutes.

"Did you go for a nice walk Valentin?" Scaramouche greeted him, "Yeah," Valentin replied with no tone.
"I was being sarcastic, dumbass." Scaramouche muttered.

"How are you so close to Dottore?" Valentin suddenly asked as he walked next to Scaramouche not sure where they were going but he followed him.

"Oh..uh, well I'm not really sure if you want an honest answer. He just kinda promoted me to be his main assistant thing," Scaramouche sighed as he realized that the sentence he just put together was not at all professional.

Valentin stayed silent.

"You're awfully quiet today aren't you? Besides the fight with Albedo of course." Scaramouche glanced at him. "Yeah," Valentin simply said as he started walking away from Scaramouche.

Scaramouche was about to go and talk to him but he decided not to.


Dottore walked into Valentin's room, "What's wrong Valentin? Scaramouche said you've been acting weird," Dottore looked at Valentin who was curled up on his bed. "Are you really leaving your position?" Valentin asked.

"Yes," Dottore answered, Valentin was fast to reply "Why? You don't need to, you're not that old." Valentin whined a bit. Dottore went over to Valentin and sat in his bed next to him.

"Albedo would be better in my position," Dottore spoke softly,

"That's bullshit," Valentin teethed as he got up from his bed, "Valentin you need to understand that I'm doing this for a good reason—"

Valentin aggressively turned his head to stare at Dottore. "If I tell Albedo about Khaenri'ah, he will never take your position, he won't even be within 10 feet of you." Valentin grabbed the door knob, about to open the door before Dottore stopped him by putting his hand on Valentin's before he got to open the door.

"I'll still be here, this is my home after all. I'll still help you every night, I'll be with you Valentin." Dottore spoke softly in a comforting way.

Valentin stared at Dottores hand on top of his, he felt like crying. He shook his head while biting his lip to stop his tears, "I'm not sure if Albedo remembers anything about Khaenri'ah anyway," Dottore added.

"If me leaving my position is problem with you, then you can stop working here." Dottore started taking his hand off of Valentin's.

"You're nothing without me, not even a simple human." Dottores stern truthful voice ached Valentin's heart.
Dottore threw hard insults at Valentin, but he just stayed quiet.

"Please," Valentin began, "Don't leave me alone." His hand left the door knob as tears streamed down his cheeks.

Dottore breathed in slowly as he tried not to feel bad, "You're already alone Valentin." Dottore left his room and shut the door behind him.

(More of Valentin's backstory)

"Dottore!" Valentin called over as he waved to Dottore, Dottore simply smiled as a reply and waved back.

Valentin ran over to him "You're here early, something you have to do later?" He asked, "Yes, I've got a busy day..but I couldn't just leave you waiting for me." Dottore spoke as Valentin walked along side him.

"Oh? And what's the special thing you're doing?" Valentin smiled, "Im visiting my wife today." Dottore looked at the ground slightly, but he kept his good posture.

Even though his wife was dead, he didn't look upset about visiting her..he actually had a slight smile, a warm smile. Like when you're sitting by the fireplace reading a good book that hasn't been spoiled for you because it's not popular and it feels like you're the only one that's read it. That kind of smile.

Dottore then jerked his head up and looked at Valentin, "Enough about me, is there anything special going on with you?" He asked politely. "Ah, well, no..not really." Valentin let out an awkward chuckle.

"Mm, I understand." Dottore looked straight ahead.

"You know," he began, "You're like the child I never had." Dottore said. Valentin's eyes widened slightly then his facial expression went soft as he smiled.

"You're like the father I've never had," Valentin replied with a happy tone, Dottore sort of chuckled. "Then I guess you're my son 'ay?" Dottore jokingly said.

"Yeah, I guess you're right!" Valentin's smile went ear to ear as he let out a small happy chuckle.


"Dad.." Valentin fell the ground, "Don't leave me." He spoke as he watched tears fall on the ground below him.


"Are you kidding me?!" Scaramouche groaned loudly, "This is bullshit!" He yelled as he pushed the papers off his desk. "Do you know how long Valentin worked on this shit?" He walked over to one of his coworkers angrily, "I know he worked for many years on it..but—Dottore just wanted it to be changed! I'm sorry, I have nothing to do with it!" The coworkers tone sounded scared, Scaramouche felt like hitting the coworker but he controlled himself.

"Tell Dottore that I'm not letting that fucking happen!" Scaramouche crossed his arms and looked away.

It stayed silent for about 30 seconds before Scaramouche jerked his head at the coworker and yelled, "Well go on! Go tell him idiot!" The coworker yelped then went to Dottores office.

"Ugh.." Scaramouche rubbed his forehead like he had a headache. He mumbled curses under his breath as he went to pick up the paper she threw on the ground out of pure rage.

He mumbled to himself as he stacked them up on his desk again.

"I can tell it's been rough for 'ya." Someone with a southern accent, when Scaramouche heard them his groan was more of a whine.

"Leave me alone Vivienne." Scaramouche turned to face her, she chuckled. "You've always been so short tempered, you really 'ought to relax sometime." Vivienne smiled as she slowly began to leave.

"Maybe go to a hot springs ay?" She mockingly chuckled as she left. Scaramouche sighed in annoyance.


Is it obvious that I love Valentin more then anyone else in this fic -Author

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