Part 3

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Kaeya got a lot of compliments and greetings from the city people, it did get him a little flustered. He didn't know he liked being praised.

Kaeya couldn't let that distract him though, he was planning on going to the 'corrupt' side of town. He needed answers, and he needed more questions.

When Kaeya got closer to where he was suppose to be he put his hood on, there was no one around, all he saw was a huge wooden fence and a bunch of old rickety buildings.

The fence gate looked like he was about to fall down.

Kaeya looked up and saw a sign, it
read: 'Toska Town' . Kaeya took a deep breath then opened the huge gate door, it was lighter then he excepted.

There were people everywhere, most of them had guns or any other type of weapon. They all had strange colored hair, and different, more unique clothing.

Kaeya got nervous and tried to make it so no one saw his face. He smelled beer and smoke through the air as he walked around.

Before he could look up a bit he noticed he had walked right into an alleyway.

He looked up and took his hood off, it looked like no one was there. Kaeya looked around then felt a sharp object going up his spine from behind him.

He gasped and let out a small yelp.

"Hah.." The man behind him chuckled.
"You look like a rich man, mind giving me some money?" The sharp object, that felt like a knife, dug a little deeper into Kaeya's spine.

"I-I'm sorry I don't have any money right now.." Kaeya responded, trying to sound calm but it came out a little panicked.

The man sighed uglily and took the knife away from Kaeya.

"Prove it, empty your pockets." The man grinned at Kaeya when he turned around.
"And if we find something valuable in those rich pockets of yours then.." The man let out a devilish smirk.

Kaeya heard noise rustle behind him, there must be more people behind him.

Kaeya was about to empty his pockets before he realized that he had kept his ring in his pocket..he gasped then took his hand away from his pocket.

He stared at the man with a worried look. "What? Realized that you have money huh?" The man pointed the knife at him.

Kaeya put his hands up and shook his head, "No! I just, well.." Kaeya panicked. "Look kid, give us whatever you have and you won't die." The people behind Kaeya got closer.

Kaeya looked around for a way to escape, but instead he saw someone coming down the roof..

Kaeya's eyes widened when he saw blonde hair, could this be the man he saw yesterday?

The blonde man came in with a kick to the face to the guy threatening Kaeya. Albedo grabbed his knife and started attacking the people behind Kaeya. Kaeya was frozen in shock.

A few minutes past, all Kaeya could hear was punching and grunts.
Until all the noise stopped.

He heard a knife drop to the ground, he now realized that he had been frozen that whole time. He turned around and was about to say something before the man with blonde hair looked at him and grabbed his hand.

Missing Bride. / KaebedoWhere stories live. Discover now