Part 56

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Dottore walked up the staircase, having no thought in his mind about Valentin. When he got to the top he saw Valentin in front of him, all bloody. His eyes widened at the horrid sight, "VALENTIN!" He yelled and crouched down in front of Valentin. "What happened?! Wake up!" Dottore shouted, Valentin began to open his eyes. "Dottore..?" He said with a scratchy voice. 

Dottore looked down at Valentins wound, "You've lost a lot of blood, we have to leave before you loose more." Dottore picked up Valentins limp body. "Dottore." Valentin muttered, "If we don't make it back to my lab you're dead," Dottore ran down the stairs. "Dottore," Valentin spoke a little bit louder. "I'll hook you up to a--", before Dottore could finish Valentin shout; "Dottore!".

Dottore looked at Valentin with fear, "Can we..stop?" Valentin asked softly. "Stop? What do you mean..? We have to leave we can't be stopping." Dottore replied with a shaky voice. "I'm tired," Valentin held his wound. Dottore bit his lip, "Valentin, I can't have you die again.".

"Die? I'm dying?" Valentin looked at his bloody hand, "Yes Valentin, you're dying." Dottore spoke. "Then I feel so alive?" Valentin's voice was getting softer. Dottore kept quiet, "Dottore, please don't go quiet." Valentin looked up at Dottore. Dottore kept silent again, he knew that nothing would come out so why even bother trying?

"Dottore..please." Valentins voice cracked. Dottore bit his tongue in hopes not to cry. 

"Dottore, please talk to me." Valentin started trembling. "Dottore please I need you to talk to me," Valentin gripped onto the collar of Dottores shirt harshly. 

"I can't be the only one talking." Valentins voice was barely noticeable, he started taking short gasps of breath. "Please..speak to last time." Valentins grip went loose as he started to go limp.

Dottore watched as Valentin slowly died in his arms.

He bit his lip hard and began to cry. 

"I'm sorry, Valentin." Dottore said, knowing he had already lost Valentin. 


Dottore put Valentin against a wall and sat next to him, "If you can still hear me, somehow," he started, "Please know that this is for you.". Dottore took out his gun and loaded it. He looked at Valentins corpse then put the gun to his head.

"You were always like a son to me, I loved you Valentin. Maybe I can finally introduce you to my wife..she always wanted a son." Dottore smiled slightly. Then pulled the trigger. 


I forgot if I killed Childe or not help -Author

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