Part 4

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Kaeya came down for dinner and saw his parents looking at him, he stopped on the stairs and stared back at them. "What?" Kaeya then said, "Kaeya.." his mother began, "Jane," Kaeya father looked at his mother and she went quiet.

"What's going on?" Kaeya put his hand on his hip with a confused look. "We found this in your coat pocket." His father took out a knife. Kaeya's eyes widened. "I didn't—I don't know how that got in there," Kaeya walked down the stairs and went to his father and grabbed the knife, examining it.

"What did you do? When you left..why would you bring a knife of all things. We have guards, you don't need weapons." Kaeya's father grabbed the knife back, "I swear I don't know how that got in there!" Kaeya sweat a bit, "It couldn't have just..walked into your pocket or something Kaeya!" His fathers voice got louder.

Kaeya was about to defend himself before he remembered seeing something earlier..


"Well," Albedo sighed quickly, "I think you should go now, I don't want you're parents to worry. You've been here long enough." Albedo opened the door for Kaeya.

"Oh, so can I..come tomorrow?" Kaeya asked while walking out the door, "Sure, do whatever you want." Albedo nodded before shutting the door.


Albedo must've thought that he was living in the other side of the city, the 'corrupt' side, and put a knife in his pocket to protect himself! But..where's the ring?

"Where's my coat?" Kaeya looked at his father, "What? Why are you asking that when we found a knife in it?! Gonna pull out a gun now?!" Kaeya's father shouted, "Wha—? No! Just tell me where it is!" Kaeya shouted back, "Ugh.." his father let out a long sigh before answering, "It's on the coat rack in the kitchen.".

"Thanks," Kaeya walked to the kitchen and opened his coats pocket, he didn't find the ring.

That bastard must've taken it! I knew I shouldn't have gone there..they're all just the same stealing junkies.

Kaeya went back to his father, "You have an explanation now for the knife that was in your pocket?" His father judged him with his eyes. "Yes actuall—.." Kaeya thought about it for a minute, if he told his father then guards would go over to the other side of the city and search Albedo down..does he really want that? He only stole a ring..and he just wanted Kaeya to be safe. Maybe the ring just accidentally got in his hand!..somehow.

Kaeya sighed, "No, I don't.", "Mhm, that's what I though young man. Now, I don't want to see you with any type of weapon again!" His father dismissed him.

Kaeya went back upstairs and laid on his bed looking up at the blank ceiling. "God.." Kaeya turned to face the wall.

I'll go talk to him tomorrow and see if he was that stupid ring..

Kaeya yawned, realizing he hasn't had dinner yet he sat up, only to just lay back down again with a sigh. He didn't want to eat, he didn't want to see anyone right now..he was to tired.

He stared at a painting that was on his wall for about 20 minutes before his eyes began to flutter shut. His long lashes tickling his cheeks.

Next Day

"Kaeya! Wake up dear!" Kaeya's mother entered his room. Kaeya groaned and put his pillow over his head. "No.." he said in a groan-y voice. "You have a meeting to attend to! Your very first meeting! Isn't that exciting?" Kaeya's mother rubbed his finger against Kaeya's skin, as a comforting thing.

"Not in the slightest." Kaeya peeked over his pillow to loom at his mother. "It's only and hour, come on, get ready!" His mother smiled before walking out of his room for him to change.

He groaned and sat up, taking time for his eyes to adjust to his surroundings. He stretched while he got out the bed, he walked over to this closet and picked out a black suit and shiny black shoes.

After putting them on he adjusted his eye patch and comped his hair. He put his contacts on and went downstairs.


"You look so handsome my sweet boy!" His mother hugged him softly, trying not to mess up his outfit. "Thanks, mom." He sighed, still obviously tired. "Come on, I'll get our driver to get you." She said, but right before she was going to pick up the phone Kaeya blurted, "You and dad aren't coming?" He asked worriedly.

"No, we aren't as..important, as you anymore so you get to go by yourself. We can't come even if we wanted too." She smiled slightly then called the driver to come pick up Kaeya at the front.

Kaeya felt his stomach grow butterflies from how nervous he was that he was actually attending his first meeting. "You look worried dear, something wrong?" His mother cupped her soft hands on his face, "No. I'm fine.." that wasn't the truth, he was terrified, he barely knew anything about being king and now that he was probably going to get asked the most questions worried him more then he was before.

"No, I know somethings wrong. You can tell me anything." She plastered a smile on her face. "I'm just..scared about the meeting, that's all." That was there truth, his mother nodding, knowing what that felt like.

"I'm sure it'll be fine, if you don't like it you could probably end it early!" His mother tried to reassure him, it didn't work that well. "Where's dad?" Kaeya asked, "Oh, he's..out." Her smile faded away and she took her hands off of Kaeya's cheeks.

"Out where?" Kaeya asked again, "Not sure..but your car should be here now!" She changed her emotion, not very well though. Kaeya nodded and went out to the car with his mother.

As the driver opened the car door for him Kaeya kissed his mothers cheek with a warm smile before getting in the car. His mother waved as the car drove away from their mansion.


ishejdhejeg -Author

Missing Bride. / KaebedoWhere stories live. Discover now