Part 5

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!!Celeste city is the city that Kaeya is from btw!! (In the story obviously)

Kaeya arrived at the meeting and took a deep breath before opening the, rather large, door. All eyes were on him, he panicked and waved at everyone. "Please, take a seat." One of them said, Kaeya gulped and nodded.

He took a seat at the head of the table, "I've wanted to discuss something," one of them began. "Toska's gotten progressively bigger over the years.", "How long until it takes over the whole city and everything becomes corrupt?" She spoke boldly.

"Whose managing the lands over there?" A man spoke, "Not sure..I attend to find out." The lady responded. "We should send some of our guards over there to find the person behind the lands in that area," another lady spoke.

They all began talking over each other. Until one of them looked at Kaeya, "Kaeya," she said. Everyone turned to Kaeya, they turned silent.
"What do you think we should do?" She asked, eager to know what the new king has to say about this.

"Well," Kaeya straightened his posture, "Of course I think finding this person is a great idea, there are some cons. Like, how are we going to find him? It's obviously not going to be any walk in the park you know what I mean?" Kaeya let out a small chuckle then got right back to the conversation, "And if he do find him, we don't know what kind of weapons he could have, our guards could end up injured, or even dead.", "If the people living on the lands are bad then the person owning them must be worse." Kaeya leaned back in his chair a bit.

The lady looked at everyone else and nodded, "Then I think that we should send our guards out with our best quality weapons." Everyone nodded.

"Then that's what'll happen. Does anyone have a question?" She looked around the table but no one had a question. "Good, this meeting may be dismissed now." She stood up and started walking away, soon a bunch of other people following her.

Kaeya sighed. He leaned back in his chair before getting up and going back out to his car.

While driving home he looked at his driver through the mirror, "Hey, what's your name?" Kaeya asked, he was obviously bored.

"Me? Oh, um.." The driver had a lower voice then Kaeya thought he would've had, "Zhongli." He said. Kaeya nodded, "I like your name, Zhongli." Kaeya turned to face the window.

"Thank you," Zhongli replied. It was quite awkward the rest of the way back.


Kaeya got home and both of his parents were waiting for him, it was exactly 11:20. His parents look excited.

"Tell us about your first meeting as king!" His mother sounded like a happy puppy. "It was boring, we just talked about Toska Town." He sighed, he looked very tired.

"Toska Town? Why?" His mothers expression changed to being confused. "They said that it's been getting bigger, and they want to get the guards to talk to the person owning the lands of Toska Town. If they can't then it'll take over the whole City..which I think is impossible." Kaeya pushed his hair back.

"They shouldn't been talking about Toska're too young to even be thinking about that disgusting place!" His father turned his head. "Come on Rey, he's 18–plus he's the king now!" His mother put a hand on his fathers shoulder.

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