Part 46

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Scaramouche walked back and fourth as he waited for Zhongli. "If you keep doing that you'll go mad," Zhongli said as he stepped in, "Finally, I thought you'd never show up." Scaramouche grabbed a chair for Zhongli, Zhongli nodded as a thanks. As they both sat down it felt awkward..they both barely knew each other and..well it is awkward to talk about your ex husband to some random guy you work with.

"You wanted to talk about Childe right?" Zhongli began, "Yes..that is correct, would you mind telling me everything about him? Well, everything you know." Scaramouche leaned forward in his seat a bit so he could get more comfortable. "I think I know more then you'll want to know," Zhongli said, "Tell me everything important.".


Zhongli told Scaramouche everything he knew, well of course everything important. He even told him that they used to be married before the guards reported him dead after a few days of being missing..leaving Zhongli heart broken, and even more heart broken when he found out he was alive.


"Wow," Scaramouche had wide eyes and a surprised face, "I didn't think you'd have that much information on him." Scaramouche laughed a bit as he looked away. "Yes, I'm sorry if it was too much I--", "No, it was great..I mean, thank you, it was very helpful.", "I'm glad I could help.". 

"Now, you said you would tell me everything you know as well?" Zhongli tried to clear his head so he could listen to everything Scaramouche had to say about Childe. "Yes, its only fair." Scaramouche began.


Scaramouceh told Zhongli everything he knew about Childe, that he was in prison with him a few years back and that he was wiped from Albedos memory a long while back as well. He knew he shouldn't be telling Zhongli this, really he shouldn't be telling anyone at all. Scaramouche really couldn't say much about Childe since he didn't really get to know him. 


"Have you not told Albedo about his memory?" Zhongli asked, "No, I haven't. I don't plan to either." Scaramouche replied then stood up, "You should be leaving now, I'm sure you have some work related things to do now." Scaramouche yawned, "Mhm, thank you." Zhongli said before leaving.

Scaramouche closed the door behind Zhongli then let out a long sigh when it was fully latched. "You hear that you little demon?" Scaramouche called out as he looked up at the ceiling beams, Valentin looked over to Scaramouche and smiled, "Thank you so much for helping me Scaramouche!" Valentin carefully got off the ceiling beam. 

"And, wouldn't you be the little devil?" He teased, "What?" Scaramouche didn't catch the joke. Valentins smirk formed into a disappointed frown, "No one gets my jokes," He sighed dramatically. "Because they aren't funny," Scaramouche crossed his arms. 

"yeah, yeah..whatever." His eyes trailed over to a dresser in Scaramouches room. He walked over to it and pointed at it, he looked at Scaramouche and asked, "What is this?". "A drawer. Haven't seen one before?" Scaramouche rolled his eyes and walked over. 

"Of course I've seen a drawer before, but wears in it?" Valentin asked, "Full of questions today aren't we?" Scaramouche groaned, "Just, what's in the drawer?" Valentin asked again. "I don't know, find out yourself." Scaramouche slightly groaned. Valentin hesitated but opened the drawer. He saw a bible and a pen in it, "A bible? I thought they only put those in drawers in hotel rooms..not guest bedrooms." Scaramouche walked away, loosing interest. "Why were you so interested in that drawer anyway?" Scaramouche asked as he turned his body to face Valentin.

Valentin sighed and closed the drawer. "I just had a feeling there was something else in here." Valentin yawned, "But anyway, I'll be leaving now." he stretched, "Good, leave as fast as you can." Scaramouche scoffed. Valentin chuckled a little, "See you later my love!" Valentin joked then left before Scaramouche could make an reaction to his creative good-bye.

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