Part 19

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"Albedo," Valentin popped up behind Albedo, startling Albedo. "Oh, Valentin..what's wrong?" Albedo looked at him with a confused face.
Valentin swiftly grabbed the knife from behind his back and punched on Albedo.

Luckily, Albedo had a knife with him as well because Dottore had gave him one some time before. He blocked Valentin's knife with his, the blades scratching agaisnt each other.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" Albedo shouted as he tried to keep the knife from slipping, "Resisting just makes it easier!" Valentin let out a loud cocky chuckle.

Albedo groaned and winced when he thought he thought the knife was about to slip out of his hands.


He saw Valentin's eyes suddenly widen and his grip on the knife got loose. "Valentin..?" Albedo muttered, his gaze slowly went to the person behind Valentin.

"Enough Valentin," Dottore spoke as he had a gun to the back of Valentin's head.

Valentin found himself start to giggle at the fact Dottore had put a gun to his head.

"Pull the trigger, please." Valentin begged as he turned his head so the gun would face his forehead instead. Dottore held the gun tighter as he looked like he was hesitating, his face got a bit scrunched up as he started to sweat.

"Come on, do it. Do it Dottore, pull the trigger, kill me, do it." Valentin taunted him.

Dottore shut his eyes tight as he lowered his gun, opening his eyes again to glare at Valentin one last time before staring at Albedo, "Albedo, come with me." Dottore stood there as he watched Albedo get up, so Valentin wouldn't hurt him.

Albedo looked at Valentin before walking with Dottore to his office.


Dottore sat down in his chair, his face looked like it went back to normal. "I'm sorry, about him." Dottore put his o on the table and placed his head on his hands.

"I never expected him to try to hurt you in any way." Dottore added.

"It's fine, that's basically what all of Toska Town does." He muttered the last part.

"I did need to tell you something though," Dottore looked up at Albedo.

"What is it?" Albedo replied.

"I want you to take my position as boss," Dottores words almost sounded lustful. Thought he didn't attend for it to sound like that.

"What? Why would I want to do that." Albedo glared at Dottore. "Because, you'll have power of all of Toska Town," Dottore rested his head on his hand, "I want you to continue my project of making Toska Town bigger.." Dottore groaned slightly, "But I need you to not tell anyone else that's not one of our employees. They must still think that I have power over them..or I'm dead." Dottore said.

Albedo looked away, "I'll have power over Toska Town long?" Albedo asked, "Until you want to give your spot up or until you die I suppose." Dottore lifted his head and twirled his hand.

"You start tomorrow, I know you won't decline my offer..Albedo." Dottore stood up from his seat and walked out of his office without another words escaping his mouth.

Albedo breathed fast and heavily as he thought of having power over Toska Town, it was a lot to take in at once..especially after you almsot just got murdered by someone you thought you could trust.

But you can't really trust anyone in Toska Town, can you?..

Albedo walked out of Dottores office.

(Scaramouche and Valentin)

"You almost got yourself kill Valentin," Scaramouche put his hat on, "Are you worrying about me?" Valentin said in a baby voice. "Ugh, go to hell." Scaramouche pushed him out of the way as he went over to get his knife.

"Have you heard about the king in Celeste City?" Valentin started, "No, What about him?" Scaramouche put the knife in his pocket, "He got sent to a whole different nation and is now being taught about royalty!" Valentin exclaimed.

"Oh? Why is that?" Scaramouche was invested, "Not sure.." Valentin's voice deflated. "How did you know this?" Scaramouche turned to him Valentin's response was a small chuckle, he soon left Scaramouches room.


"Damn.." Valentin groaned as he ran his hands through his hair while walking to his room.

That Albedo is so fucking annoying, he acts like he's a main stupid! Valentin sighed.

"Hey Valentin, could you carry these boxes outside?" The only nice person in Toska Town asked with a slight smile, Valentin turned his head and put on a charming smile. "I'd be happy to!" Valentin took the boxes.

"Thank you so much," The person waved bye before walking away.

Valentin sighed and relaxed his face, he began walking outside with the boxes heavy in his hands.


Valentin put the boxes down outside, he was about to go inside again but he stopped himself.

Taking a walk would be nice. He thought.

He decided to start taking a walk through Toska Town.

"But coming with me proves that you can be human without assassinating yourself."

"What say you, ready to be human?"

Valentin shivered from the cold blowing against his lavish dark tan skin.

He said he'd help me become human..but I don't feel much different.

It's strange that even if my personality changed, I'm yet still the same person.

Valentin accidentally bumped into someone, "Jesus—! I'm sorry, I didn't see you." Valentin's smile formed and it looked embarrassed.

"It's fine, it was just an accident after all." The male with long brown hair said, his eyes looking like daggers. Valentin's eyes widened as he glanced at the man in front of him eyes.

"Something wrong boy?" He said with a slightly raised eyebrow. "! Of course not, I'm fine!" Valentin's nervous chuckle was quite loud.

"So, what's your name?" Valentin asked, "Why should I tell you? You only ran into me, this situation doesn't involve my name in any way." The male stared right into Valentin's eyes as he spoke.

"Yes, yes..I just want to apologize using your name, as a sincere apology." Valentin nodded.

"Ah, in that case..It's Zhongli." Zhongli replied. "Zhongli.." Valentin's eyes traveled to the ground then back up with a scared-ish smile.

"I'm very sorry Zhongli, for running into you." Valentin apologized.

"It's no problem..ehh—", "It's Valentin," Zhongli smiled kindly "It's no problem Valentin." Valentin nodded and they both continued walking.

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