Part 15

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Scaramouche opened Dottores office door with his leg and pushed it closed with his hip. He set the tea down on Dottores desk, "Thank you." Dottore said as he took a sip. "Yeah, whatever." Scaramouhce rolled his eyes.

"So, about that Childe guy..." Scaramouche began, "What about him?" Dottore looked up from his tea. "What do you think is going to happen to him?" Scaramouche said.

"I think he'll get out one day and just come back to Toska Town, he won't be able to find Albedo here." Dottore gave a reasonable answer.

"Mhm..where's Albedo anyway?" Scaramouche put his hand on his hip. "Ah, thanks for reminding me. He should be awake now," Dottore got up with a grin.

"Come with me." Dottore said as he started walking out the door, Scaramouche followed him. "What did you do to the poor guy?" Scaramouche sighed. "You'll see." Dottore chuckled.


"He doesn't look much different." Scaramouche was disappointed, he was excepting something bigger. "Yes but, I've corrupted his mind!" Dottore looked proud of himself.

"He just looks tired." Scaramouche added, "He'll be fine in a few hours." Dottore went over to Albedo. "How are you doing love? Tired as I can tell." Dottore looked at Albedos slump head, barely staying awake.

"Are you sure he's not, like, dead?" Scaramouche raised an eyebrow a bit. "I'm sure," Dottore replied.
"What did—..what happened?" Albedo weakly looked up at Dottore.

"I just messed with your memory a bit, nothing to worry about!" Dottores annoying smirk began very visible. "Now, let me ask you a question.." Dottore began, "Who is Childe?" He said.

Albedo looked down a bit as if he was thinking.

"I'm not sure, I've never heard of him before.." Albedo felt disappointed in himself. "Am I suppose to know him?" Albedo asked. "No, he isn't not important." Dottore went over to Scaramouche, "Don't mention anything about Childe, he only had us in his memory." Dottore sternly said as he walked out.

Scaramouche stared at Albedo. "Come on, I'll show you to your room." Scaramouche waited as Albedo got up. They then started walking to wherever Albedos room was.


"Here, I'm sure we can find some clothes for you later. Just rest, if you need any help or have a question go to Dottores office." Scaramouche was about to walk out before Albedo stopped him.

"What?" Scaramouche nudged Albedo off him, "Oh—uh, nothing. It wasn't important." Albedo looked away. "Whatever." Scaramouhce left. Albedo sat on his bed and sighed.

He had a massive headache and sometimes had flashes of memory in his mind with a ginger haired man and a blue haired man. Sometimes even a blonde child.

"God.." Albedos headache was pounding. The only thing that would be good for it was to go to sleep and hope that it's gone by the time he wakes up.

(2 hours later lol)

"Albedo~!" Someone called out as they entered Albedos room with a grin, Albedo woke up with a groan.
He sat up and stared at the person who had just entered his room. He realized he didn't recognize them.

"Who are you?" Albedo asked with a puzzled look. The person walked in front of Albedo and put their hand on their hip then leaned forward a bit.

"I'm Valentin! Pleasure to meet you. I've heard tones about you!" Valentin put his hand out for Albedo to shake it, Albedo was confused as he could ever be but he shook his hand.

He felt a spark through his hand and he pulled back, "What the fuck?!" Albedo looked up at Valentin, Valentine sounded like it was muffled.

"It's alright, it won't damage you. I think—anyway!" Valentin looked at Albedos neck, "It's seems that we're matching," Valentin unbuttoned his shirt a bit and it reveled his neck.

He had the same symbol as Albedo did. Albedos eyes widened. "Do you know what it means then?" Albedo totally forgot about how Valentin just played a trick on him a few seconds ago.

"Sadly, I do not. Nor have I ever cared." Valentin buttoned his shirt back up, "I've never been fond of it, I think it looked rather ugly on me." Valentin shrugged.

- Valentin -

Age: 20
Gender: Male
Dislikes: coffee, fish, slimy things
Likes: tricks, theaters, cats


Valentin has white haired that looks bleached and brunette skin. His eyes have a rather weird color, one being blue and the other being brown. He wears a black corset with a button up white shirt, he also has black pants that his shirt is tucked into, along with black shoes that match perfectly. He was a charming smile that he always likes to show off every chance he gets. He had earrings on only one ear that's in the shape of a feather, it's color is black. And he has a necklace on that has a cross on it. His Russian accent was very noticeable.


"It looks swell on you," Valentin fake sighed and then pulled Albedo up from his bed and wrapped his arm around his neck. "Let's take a walk shall we? I have many things I want to show you." Valentin's chuckle was unsettling but Albedo trusted him, I mean, he was under the care of Dottore now so he couldn't possibly get hurt by this man.

"Like what?" Albedo asked, "Hmm, like my invention! I've been working on it since I was 18," Valentin's arm was lifted off of Albedo. "Really? What's it built for?" Albedo looked at him slightly.

"It was made for..well, whatever Dottore wants to use it for. He ordered me to make it and never told me why he needed it." Valentin opened the door to the room he had been making his invention.

His invention was huge, it looked very dangerous in a way. "I also made some large bullets for it. Since that's what Dottore asked me to build for it, I don't know when he would need it since so far his plans for Toska Town doesn't need it. He might just not be telling me something." Valentin went over to the control pallet and turned it on.

"It's fun to work on, just..I feel like it would be better I really put my whole heart into it." Valentin made it move a bit. "I still need to do some finishing touchings of course, but that's all I'm gonna show you. Shall we see something else now?" Valentin walked back over to Albedo and Albedo nodded.

"Come on then," Valentin walked out with Albedo and started showing him all around the place. Albedo got bored but couldn't tell him that because he seemed as if he was enjoying himself. Maybe if Albedo was in his place he'd enjoy showing the 'newbie' around this huge place.


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