1: Police Report

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"Is it the same guy?" Aizawa asked, sounding as tired as he felt. Tsukauchi just nodded.

"This Echo guy, they're really giving us a run for our money." The detective said, "But we got a description this time. One of them is coherent enough to talk about it now.".

"Lets hear it then." Aizawa said, moving his bangs away from his face, "I want to get home before the sun comes up.". The detective nodded and flipped to the correct page in his notebook.

"Anywhere from 5'5 to 5'7. Pale skin covered in quite a few bandages. He has white hair, one white eye and one purple eye," Tsukauchi was about to continue when Aizawa interrupted him.

"I'm sorry, are you describing the suspect or some sort of anime character?" The hero asked, exhausted with the police detective, "I'm not here for some man on hallucinogens to tell me that a wanted vigilante looks like a manga antihero.". Tsukauchi sighed heavily and put the notepad and his hands back into his pockets.

"I'm not trying to be funny." The man grumbled under his breath, "This is a serious problem. Vigilantism is on the decline as a whole, we can't leave one massive outlier walking the streets. That part of the report wasn't even from one of the people we arrested they're too incoherent to speak right now. It was from the girl he supposedly 'saved'. She said she was being assaulted by her co-workers, the guys we just handcuffed, and Echo stepped in and saved her. Said he told her Echo was his name and everything, so he really is some wannabe hero. Besides, heterochromia is a condition that existed pre-quirk event so that could be true.".

Aizawa sighed heavily and nodded. "Well I can go survey the area for any traces of him, but he tends to be pretty clean. What ever he does to get people like that it doesn't make a mess." The hero said, gesturing to the two office worker who were in handcuffs. They had found the pair of them babbling incoherently and screaming a little.

That's how they knew it was Echo. Whoever the bastard was his quirk seemed to drive people temporarily insane. The wear off time varied quite a lot and was usually dependent on how big the issue was. If it was a big fight it could take a day, a small scuffle could wear off in minutes. It suggested that this person had excellent control over his quirk.

The pro hero wandered off down the alley, not really looking for anything. He just wanted to get home to Hizashi and sleep. Night shifts sure took a lot out of him these days.

Right as he was about to exit the alleyway and swing back to his agency, he noticed something glint in the corner of his eye. Carefully he bent down and picked it up. It was a hand maid cat keychain?

Yep. That's exactly what it was. Aizawa groaned and decided that tonight really was yielding nothing important other than a description of the wannabe edge lord they had on their hands. He stuffed the keychain into his pocket and picked up his pace.

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Hibiki was awoken by falling out of bed. 

Which would be fine and dandy in his bed was on the ground and not the upper story of a bunk bed. 

The 15 year old groaned into the tiled floor feeling bruises begin to form. He looked over to the bed and made eye contact with Mirai, his roommate and the occupant of the bottom bunk. "What a morning, right?" He said, a half smile on his lips. They just looked at him like Hibiki was the dumbest thing to ever exist. Maybe he was. 

See they weren't exactly normal roommates. For one, they were foster siblings not roommates, so they already had that chaos in their lives. Second, Mirai didn't speak. Like ever. It was awkward to say the least. 

Hibiki grabbed his very broken cell phone to check the time. Fuck he was running late. With a groan he rose to his feet and stretched a little. Then he opened his side of the closet and changed into his uniform. He left the tie undone, deciding that he could do it on the train and rushed into the rest of the apartment. 

For some reason Hibiki's room always smelled nice. Probably because it stayed clean. The rest of the apartment did not. When the 15 year old had first been told he would be fostered by a woman in her late 60's he had expected a grandma like woman who gave them candy and had a house that smelled like soap. Instead it smelled like garbage and cat pee. They didn't have a cat, at least not that Hibiki knew of. 

No matter how many times he tried to clean it the old lady, Miu, would always tell him off or smack him. She liked it messy, he supposed. 

Hibiki shook his head and headed to the kitchen to start breakfast. He didn't know if Miu knew how to cook and although she never let him so much as touch the 4 other kids living with her, she had never told him to stop cooking for them. 

They didn't have much left in the fridge so he made extra rice. The eggs would go further if he made on bit omelet, so that's what he did. Hibiki didn't know what the kid's preferences actually were but he preferred sweet omelets, so that's what he made. They had a bit of maple syrup that he had purchased for this exact reason. 

The maple syrup actually reminded him of what had happened last night. It really wasn't his intention to get in another fight, but he had to help that woman. Both she and her co-workers were drunk and they decided that sexually harassing her and groping her would convince her to sleep with one of them. How fucked up is that? 

So he had used his quirk. The very thing he was never, ever supposed to use. It was so much more illegal for him to use it than most people, but he wasn't strong enough to just fight them. Maybe he would work on that in the future. 

"You!" Miu snapped, walking out of her bedroom. Hibiki opened his mouth to greet her and tell her the rice was almost done, but she held her hand up to silence him. "Get out right now, and shut your mouth!". 

Hibiki closed his mouth as commanded and made his way to the door. There was still half an hour before his train came and he hadn't gotten to finish breakfast but he did what she wanted if he didn't want her to report him for doing something violent. Had he done something violent? Not anything that Miu would know about. But it was her word against his and as he had learned in the past, adults always win. 

"Aish, people like you should wear muzzles." The old lady commented before taking his omelet off the stove. It was undercooked, but he had no way of telling her that if he wasn't allowed to speak. Instead of throwing it out like she sometimes did she dumped it on a plate and put it on the table. 

Hibiki panicked. He had bought those eggs at a super low price, there could be salmonella in them. "Its still raw-". 

Miu turned around with fire in her eyes. "Get out of my house!" She screeched, running right for him. Hibiki jolted and opened the door, running for the apartment stairs as fast as possible while Miu screamed bloody murder from the front door. 

What a morning. 


A new series! The premise of this isn't actually mine, it came form @KrazyKiten, so give any compliments about the idea to them! 

Hibiki is officially my edgiest looking protagonist to date! I promised myself I'd never make an oc with heterochromia (since its so overdone at this point) but here we are 😅. On top of heterochromia though Hibiki has a condition not unlike antisocoria where his pupils are different sizes at different times. 

Boy's got eye problems lets just say that. 

Also welcome Mirai, our first nonbinary character! Some of you were super interested in having a trans character and I was super excited to deliver! 

But anyways, stay tuned and I hope you like this new story! 

P.S It gets funnier I promise! This is meant to be a wild goose chase I just need to set it up! 

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