17: Eye-Patch Looking Motherfuc-

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"What's your plan?" Mirai asked him as he stood in the walkway to the stadium center. Hibiki took a deep, shaky breath. 

"I have to immobilize him before he hits me. I also need to keep him close so he can't build up speed and knock me out of the boundary." Hibiki replied. 

"That didn't sound like a concrete strategy." Mirai chastised playfully. "That's cause it isn't." Hibiki said with a smile, "I'm so incredibly fucked.". 

"Watch your language they record everything you say out there." A voice said. Both teens turned and were surprised to see Hitoshi. 

"Good luck in your match." Hibiki said honestly, remembering that Hitoshi was fighting Midoriya after him. Hitoshi just nodded absentmindedly, looking incredibly nervous yet determined. 

"I figured we should do the cheer thing again...you know, cause we did it last time..." He trailed off, blushing a little. Mirai and Hibiki lit up and jumped to their feet. The trio put their hands together and chanted. 

"1,2,3-Don't die!" They cheered. 

"Alright everyone, get ready for our first awe inspiring fight, Na Hibiki VS Iida Tenya!" Hizashi said over the loud speaker. A staff member quickly hurried Hibiki out into the stadium. 

Hitoshi felt the warmth of Hibiki's hand still on his and looked with a concerned expression out at the stadium. "He'll win." Mirai said, their tone so sure, so convinced. Hitoshi couldn't help but nod along. 

If anyone could pull it off it would be Hibiki. 

Hibiki felt nearly blinded by the bright natural light of the stadium. His eyes weren't adjusting very well and by the time he reached the rectangle they would be fighting in he realized, with dread, that his white eye wasn't adjusting at all. It was blurry and the pupil was too large. It burned when he tried to open it and expose it to the light. 

"Make no mistake." His opponent said, widening his stance as Hizashi rambled on about the match up. "I will win this match. I can not allow a non-hero student to surpass me. Not that you can even dream of doing so.". 

Hibiki smiled a little at the challenge. "I don't know about that." He said, "I'd bet that I can beat you with one eye closed.". 

"Alright kids." Midnight said, pulling the pair closer to her. "I'm the ref here. If I tell you to stop, you stop, no questions asked, no last attacks. You just stop. My word is also final, so there's no 'but he did this!', okay?". The boys both nodded. "Great! Now get out there and have the time of your lives!". 

The two went to opposite ends of the boundaries and watched as Midnight dropped the flag to signal the start of the match. Hibiki pulled something out of his pocket right as Iida started rushing up to him. 

He raised his leg far a kick and Hibiki used being shorter as an advantage, ducking below it. He shifted behind the hero student and slapped what looked like a thick sticker on his back. 

"Is that a support weapon?!" Hizashi asked, faking his surprise. Of course it was a support weapon, and of course he knew that already. He had given it to Hibiki after all. It was supposed to act as a microphone to localize his quirk.  

Hibiki had spent a long time figuring out which songs were the most effective and he found that if he wanted them to pass out quickly or just drop to the ground, there was nothing like belting. Whistle notes could work too, but he had to save his voice. So he immediately launched into the least embarrassing song he could think of-a korean pop song. 

Iida stumbled at first but started fighting hand to hand with Hibiki again. Predicting the kick this time Hibiki caught it with his hand, but pulled away when he was nearly burned by the heat of the engine in the kid's leg. 

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