19:C̶l̶e̶a̶r̶ Skies Ahead

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Hibiki felt fingers in his hair first. Before any sound filtered into his ears or any light in his eyes, he felt someone combing their fingers through his hair. 

They had a ring on, so it had to be Hizashi or Shota. There was a soft humming in the background and Hibiki relaxed. Hizashi, then. 

"Welcome back to the world of the living, Hibiki." Hizashi said. He must have noticed that the teen was awake. 

The adult watched as his foster son's eyes fluttered open. He had never felt so relieved to see the mismatched eyes. "How're you feeling?" He asked. 

"What happened?' Hibiki asked, semi-ignoring the question. He felt fine, but he didn't remember how he got here. 

"You don't remember?" Another voice, Shota's, asked from across the infirmary room. Hibiki thought about it for a second. "I remember dark shadow lunging at me and it being cold, but I don't remember anything else." He explained, "I really lost control of my quirk there. I should have been able to see that it wasn't helping, just making the situation worse for me.". 

Hizashi ruffled his hair and chuckled fondly. "That's part of the fun of learning, kiddo." He said, "But I'm sure you want to know the rest of what happened.". Hibiki nodded and Shota took a deep breath before explaining. 

"Tokoyami touched your neck and you just collapsed. He used Dark Shadow to push you out of the ring and was declared the winner but he fell to the ground himself the moment Midnight said he one. The paramedics rushed you both here right after. We got to you quickly and they said apart from some bruising you were fine, but you kept scratching at your neck mumbling something we couldn't understand." The man recounted. 

"We think its the trauma from that night in the park." Mirai said, making both their and Hitoshi's presence known. Hibiki couldn't quite agree. 

"It didn't affect me that much. I stopped having nightmares ages ago." Hibiki said. Hizashi sighed and kept running his fingers through the boy's white hair. 

"Sometimes we don't understand the full scope of things until well after they're over. You were held at gunpoint, Hibiki. That man almost killed you." Shota said, "Its not weak or unrealistic to think you'd be traumatized by it.". 

Hibiki tried to absorb the information. Traumatized? No way. Mirai had said that having the muzzle on had traumatized them, but Hibiki was fine with it. As long as he didn't have to put one on again, he didn't have any problem. Same with things touching his neck. It wasn't like every little thing was going to set him off. 

The foster parents looked at each other and sighed. Hibiki's face screamed denial. 

"We can always talk to us and we can find you someone else to talk to if you'd rather do that." Hizashi suggested. Hibiki gawked at them. Did they just suggest a therapist? He didn't need something like that. They had just taken this whole trauma thing and run with it. 

"Why don't we talk about this tomorrow instead?" Mirai suggested, breaking the silence. "I was invited to hang out with some of the 1-A girls, maybe you'd like to join as well?". The question was directed at Hibiki and Hitoshi equally and both boys agreed. 

That had to be fun. 

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"Do you want to wear the extra skirt then?" Mina asked, handing the garment to Mirai. They seemed to go pale at the sight of it. 

"I-I try not to lean too much one way or the other-" They began before a hand took the skirt from the girl. "I'll wear it. Mirai can have my shorts." Hibiki said. 

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