38: Define 'Family'?

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Eri fit into their lives pretty perfectly. 

It was an almost seamless transition from being a family with no little kids to having a 6 year old girl. 

With the family being so different, many people worried how they would get along. Three teenagers that were all the same age and two parents that really were far to young to realistically have three teenagers weren't exactly people's first idea of what a foster family should look like, but as always they were proved wrong. 

Hitoshi and Eri got along easily. They both enjoyed downtime with the cats and older movies. They also enjoyed oversized onesies, which was a strange thing for a teenager to collect but was, admittedly, a very comfortable hobby. 

Mirai and Eri didn't talk to each other much. That wasn't to say they didn't communicate or hang out, but they didn't talk. Eri was always clinging to Mirai when she wanted 'silent time'. They were teaching her a bit of sign language but mostly Eri just played silently while Mirai read or played on their phone next to her. It was sweet to watch honestly, Eri was putting her all into the sign language learning after learning Hizashi was deaf. 

And when Eri was with Hibiki...it was pure chaos. Hibiki was in charge of taking care of every burst of energy Eri got and the amount of shenanigans those two got up too...you'd think they were both 6. 

Just the day before Hibiki had used his kitchen privileges (which Hitoshi had lost after setting soup on fire) to make candy apples with Eri. They were her favorite after all. They made chocolate covered caramel apples too, it was great. 

Except one of those 'candy apples' was an appropriately sized onion and neither would tell anyone which one it was. 

The unfortunate victim of that prank was Midnight when she visited the day after. Luckily she was an excellent sport and even sent a photo of the bitten onion to Emi. It was right up her alley after all. 

 Of course everyone had their moments. Hitoshi became stressed with the combination of his internship and school and shouted at Hizashi when he offered to help him with homework. In reality, he just wanted a break from homework, but it had sounded like a rejection of Hizashi's help in any way. 

Eri had a few more near misses with nearly using her quirk on people and or the cats, which always ended in tears but Shota kept his promise to keep the girl and everyone around her as safe as possible. 

It was very nearly picture perfect. 

Except something was definitely up with Hibiki. 

Hizashi noticed it first. He was out of the house pretty often as it was but he wasn't taking anyone with him this time. He never went out with Mirai or Hitoshi now except on weekends. At first they thought he had gotten a boyfriend or girlfriend and just didn't want to tell them. 

Then they found him sorting through scrapbooks. 

Which wasn't bad it was just a bit weird. Especially for Hibiki who had never really been big on asking Shota and Hizashi for stories from their childhood or younger years. 

But they let it be for now. 

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"So...have you figured out who you are now?" Hibiki asked, hoisting his back pack back onto his shoulders. Kurogiri shook his head regretfully. 

He looked really different now that the purple smoke had receded from his body. He could still call it back to cover his features, but he had a normal face under that. He was a lot younger than Hibiki had assumed him to be, or maybe he just looked that way. 

"I'm worried." The man confessed. "I feel more like a person now and I have some of my memories back, but I still can't remember how I ended up here being turned into a Nomu or my name. Without that there's no hope of going back to a normal life.". 

"I've offered before to have my dads come and help." Hibiki said, "I promise they'd recognize you. I've been looking through photo albums to find you but no luck so far. They take photos of everything though, so I'm sure you're in there somewhere.". 

"Hibiki I don't think your dads would be thrilled if they found out you were regularly meeting with a man who helped kidnap you." He said with a slight smile.

"I could explain it." Hibiki said. Kurogiri raised an eyebrow. 

"Okay, so maybe they'd freak out. But I really could explain it! They'd listen, they always do." Hibiki protested. Kurogiri just smiled patronizingly, making the boy sigh. 

"Oh, I wont be able to come tomorrow." The boy said. 

"Finally taking a break?" Kurogiri asked. Hibiki shook his head. 

"I've got a classified mission." He said excitedly. 

"Whatever you say kid. Stay safe.". 

--------- --------- ---------- --------- ---------- ---------- ----------- -------- 

It was a very real, very classified mission. 

Hibiki was going to take on the Shie Hassaikai. Alongside other heroes, of course, but he was going to be part of it. So were Hitoshi and Mirai. Their hero agencies had all teamed up to get the job done. 

The trio stood in a group outside the building. 

"One, two three...don't die!" Hibiki called out. The trio raised their hands up and cheered a little. Mirai put their mask on (it was thin but obscured their mouth enough that people couldn't just hear where they were teleporting before they did so. Hitoshi settled his voice modulator over his face. Hibiki adjusted the harness across his chest and fussed with his outfit's hood. 

"I'm holding you two to that cheer." Mirai reminded them, walking over to their squad. 

"We're holding you to it as well." Hitoshi said with a nod. 

Hibiki thought of all the ill fated 'missions' he had been on so far. Honestly they were all chaotic and half the time he ended up nearly dying. 

His destructive train of thought was cut off when Sir Nighteye started explaining their part in the mission. 

"We're just there to detain the villains. Since Eri's already been taken out, it doesn't matter if the building collapses. There are no other hostages, I checked." The hero explained. "It does matter if we tear it down with heroes inside though. They'll try to draw us into the basement and lower levels, under no circumstances do you go down there, understood? We're just trying to smoke them out.". 

The group nodded, bracing themselves for the fight. Hibiki's hand flickered over his taser weapon. He hoped this would go well but he didn't have confidence in the plan. The pros thought since the little girl was gone they were safe to go crazy. 

They probably didn't think to much about the Shie going crazy right back at them. 


I'm really sorry for how late this update is 😭

I always get writers block right around the time I get near the end of a story. If you've followed any of my other stories or are following Because right now, you understand that idea (although that ones not as close to being finished). 

I'm trying hard to push past it and keep writing Sometimes though it gets the best of me but I've realized that I'm not perfect and I never will be, so this is just how my brain works 😅

As consolation you're getting a double update so that's something! 

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