7: Taking It All In Stride

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"So, I'm sure you're wondering why you're in a meeting with me instead of at school." Hibiki's social worker, Ms. Ogawa said, a smile on her face. 

"Well among other thing yes." The teen joked. Ms. Ogawa smiled and closed her laptop. Hibiki liked her office. It was painted purple and had mostly white furniture. It had a minimalist theme and there was a box of toys in the corner, one that Hibiki remembers using many times when he was younger. Typically it wasn't for a good reason that he was in her office. It tended to just be her telling him to go back to his foster placement and pack his bags because they didn't want him anymore. Either that or they had adopted some other kid and wanted him out of the way. 

"I want to ask how you're doing in your current foster placement." She said, trying to keep her voice casual. Hibiki's heart sank. The old lady had finally had it with him. It must have been the police visit. 

His mind raced. What about his school? He liked his teachers, and although they weren't the most understanding they at least tried. Some of his other schools had been much less considerate of his home situation. Fuck what about Mirai? They finally were talking to each other. For once in his life Hibiki's foster sibling actually felt like a sibling. 

"I like it." Hibiki said, not wanting Ms. Ogawa to think he wanted to leave. "I like it a lot actually. The other foster kids are great and I've made friends with my roommate. Their name is Mirai, we're really close. Have been since I moved in." He lied. 

The social worker had no idea he was lying but still she gave him an off look when he finished saying that. 

"Well I'm asking because there's been a request submitted..." She trailed off. 'A request for me to leave?' Hibiki thought dejectedly. "Someone would like to become your foster parent.". 

It got so quiet you could hear a pin drop. "They did what now?!" He asked in shock. 

Ms. Ogawa laughed, almost deliriously so. "You know I don't like saying things like this, but I'm shocked too. You're a great kid, a real great kid, but you're just past the normal age of adoption.". 

"Yeah, like a decade passed." Hibiki mumbled. Ms. Ogawa gave him a look and he started paying attention again. "But they requested you. They fostered another boy a couple years ago when he was 12 and have since adopted him." She said, raising an eyebrow, "And they'd like to foster you. They're a lovely couple too, those two. The Yamada-Aizawa's.". 

"Was the implication there that they might adopt me?" Hibiki questioned. Ms. Ogawa shrugged, but her excited expression betrayed her. "Don't get your hopes up. We both know I'm destined to be shoved back in an orphanage." Hibiki said, although he was failing at doing that himself. Someone wanted him. Him of all people. 

"Can we do it on a trial period?" The teen asked, "Like if it doesn't work I go back to my current placement?". Ms. Ogawa nodded eagerly. 

"They'll come pick you up on Friday after school. Have everything packed and ready to go.". 

------- --------- ------- ------- -------- -------- -------- ------- 

So there Hibiki stood, waiting in his room with his meager possession stuffed inside 2 garbage bags. 

"Good luck. I'm gonna miss you around here." Mirai said with a smile. Hibiki nodded and pulled them in for a hug. "If they break your heart I'll teleport them to the bottom of the marinas trench.". 

"I expect nothing less." Hibiki said with a wink. The doorbell rang and the teens thanked their lucky stars that Miu wasn't home. She always lost it when people used the doorbell. "I've gotta get going." He mumbled, not really wanting to leave without Mirai. He could convince the couple to take them too though. It would be easy. Mirai was perfect. 

Mirai nodded and pulled Hibiki into a hug. "Love you, foster bro.". There was a twinkle of mischief in their eyes at the 'foster bro' comment, but Hibiki could tell they were being sincere. 

"Love ya!" Hibiki said, goofily blowing them a kiss before opening the door. "Hi! I'm Na Hibiki!" He said, a wide smile on his face. 

He wasn't quite sure what he expected 'Mr. Aizawa-Yamada' to look like. Especially considering he was one of two Mr. Aizawa-Yamada's that could be picking him up, he didn't really think about the name or the appearance behind it much. He should have, obviously. 

"You!" He said, a little shocked. Aizawa Shota stared at him, looking almost sheepish. "Shit-I mean wow." Hibiki said, breathless. It wasn't a bad thing though. Aizawa had been kind to him during the police meeting. He liked him. It was actually kind of relieving for it to be someone who already knew his history and case details. 

"I know kiddo. I wasn't anticipating this either, but Hizashi and I are happy to have you in our home. Now, I didn't bring bags because I thought you would have some already, but it seems I should have anyways." Aizawa said, eyeing the garbage bags of stuff in Hibiki's hands. 

"Its okay, I could always just shove it into one garbage bag anyways. Its not that much stuff honestly." The white haired teen said, walking alongside Aizawa down the outdoor hallway of the apartment. 

The pro hero made a face but kept quiet. "I'll get you a bag when we get home." 

------- --------- ------- ------- -------- -------- -------- -------

The house was so nice. Firstly it was an actual house. With a mailbox and a yard and everything. As sad as it might sound Hibiki had never lived in a house before. He wondered if they had a dog. 

"Lets get you settled." Mr. Aizawa-or Shota as he had told Hibiki to call him, said. He grabbed his keys and pushed the door open. "We're home." He called out.  

Suddenly a man appeared in the genkan. He had long blond hair that was pulled up into a messy bun. There was a pair of crooked glasses hanging off his face and he had a black cat in his arms. Overall he should have looked crazy, but something about the way the man was dressed. 

"Hiya, you must be Na Hibiki! I'm Yamada Hizashi, Shota's husband. You can call me Hizashi or Zashi or anything as long as its not a swear word." The man joked. He held his hand out for Hibiki to take. 

The teen startled a little but quickly set down one of the garbage bags to shake the man's hand. They were already so different from every other foster parent he'd ever had. 

"Oh, this is Hitoshi, our son." Hizashi said, gesturing to the teenage boy standing in the living room just inside the house. Hitoshi seemed quite shy but he waved nonetheless giving Hibiki what he chose to interpret as a smile. "I'll show you to your room so you can unpack and get cozy.". 


So he's entered the Aizawa-Yamada household! 

But we still haven't established what those police reports from the last chapter were talking about so get ready for a wild ride of a 8th chapter 👀

Stay Tuned! 

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