6: It's That Easy?

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"I promise, if I get into trouble I'll call the hero emergency number or send an alert using the app." Hibiki said, raising his right hand for dramatic effect. 

Aizawa might only have known the kid for an hour but he had to say, Hibiki had him wrapped around his finger already. The brat had the audacity to be funny and respectful. He had listened eagerly to their explanation of why he couldn't do what he had been for the past few months and had now agreed to do exactly as they advised him. To be fair, he would be arrested otherwise but still. Usually the teenagers they had to tell of didn't take it seriously and wound up arrested a couple weeks later. 

"Oh, can we get your quirk? We don't have a record of it as it wasn't included in your school file and, although we rarely ever keep a record of talks like this, you should be registered with the government. The fines are huge for every year that you aren't." Tsukauchi said. He pulled some forms out of his bag and then paused, "Why aren't you registered?". 

"It happens a lot in foster care." Hibiki explained, "Especially with people like me who hadn't manifested a quirk yet when they were abandoned or removed from their homes.". He stopped for a moment, as if hesitating to reveal the information but did anyways. "And sometimes they never get their quirk registered because it would ruin their chances of adoption.". 

Aizawa raised an eyebrow at that. "And this was the case for you? I've experienced your quirk first hand, and I can imagine its  bit of a hassle.". He phrased the comment carefully so as not to step on any 'land mines' of trauma the kid might have. Hitoshi had a lot of those when it came to his quirk. 

Hibiki laughed sheepishly and nodded. "Its called Dionysus's Song, or at least what my social worker called it. I'm pretty sure that I'm the only person who's ever had a quirk like this. Buts its uh...its less of the get drunk and party Dionysus and more of the drive people insane Dionysus.". Tsukauchi jotted it down. "Basically whenever I sing I drive people insane. It always wears off but the longer they listen or the louder and more intense the singing is the longer the recovery period is.".  

"The only time it doesn't affect people is when they're already intoxicated or under the influence of something. That's why it took you so long to get a description of me or my quirk. People don't tend to remember encountering me after I use my quirk." He finished, folding his hands in his lap. 

Tsukauchi finished writing out the quirk's description. "I'll pay the overdue fees for you. They're basically library fees but your pocket money is your own. I hope it wont affect your chances of being adopted." There wasn't so much as a hint of mocking in his works. Tsukauchi was being utterly earnest. Hibiki smiled and waved him off. 

Aizawa knew for a fact that registry fees were not like library fees. They were expensive for a reason. But brining that up would make the boy feel like he was burdening them and he wasn't so Aizawa kept him mouth shut. 

"Don't worry. I never had a chance in the first place, it was just wishful thinking on my social worker's part." The teen said, "I don't think anyone ever tried to adopt me. Japan isn't really sold on the idea of non-biological children so people tend to want kids that look like them, that fit in with their families. I don't really look like anyone..." he trailed off. 

Tsukauchi gave the kid a sympathetic look but didn't argue his point. It was true. Everything he had said was exactly the truth. But a harsh one nonetheless. 

-------- -------- ------- --------- -------- --------- ------- 

"So that was it, they just left?" Mirai asked, shocked. Hibiki nodded. 

"I guess it wasn't that serious." He said honestly, "They just talked it over with me and I promised not to fight anymore. They even said they would pay off my fines for not entering the quirk registry! I'm going to have my quirk registered officially!". 

Mirai whistled. "Wow. I'm gonna have a monster fine when I get out of the system." They said, looking off into the distance at nothing in particular. "All that fuss just to give you a talking to. I thought for sure you'd be arrested and I'd be alone here.". 

"I'm not gonna ditch you. Plus, we'll probably both be here until we age out. Maybe after that we'll move in together and stay stuck with each other." Hibiki said, only half joking. 

"You think you'll be able to afford to not be homeless after this?" Mirai asked, laughing. Hibiki shrugged. 

"A kid can dream, can't he?". 

-------- -------- ------- --------- -------- --------- -------

Everything was incredibly quiet for the next few weeks. They got one or two alerts from a phone they realized was Hibiki's but other than that the kid had been quiet. No more incidents. No more vigilantism. 

That is, until a hero responded to an incident of someone beating up some random drunk girl. They were described to have a very distinctive quirk. Hibiki's quirk. 

It didn't make sense to Tsukauchi. Why would the kid who just had horrible luck and needed to learn what staying indoors meant suddenly start hurting random people? 

Then it kept happening. A wallet missing here, a violent threat there. The detective was getting concerned. He didn't want to believe it was Hibiki, but there was no real way to be sure that it wasn't him. 

The police were sure it was Hibiki again and Tsukauchi was sure it was a villain copying his quirk but there was only one way to prove the boy's innocence. 

And for that they needed a licensed foster care parent. 


I think you can all see where this is going 😉

Oh I've got so many good jokes in the next chapter. You would not believe 🥴

Sorry for the late update, my online course is really really hard, but its a writing course so I should do alright. Its hard to get the motivation to turn things in on time. 

Maybe I could just show them my wattpad account to prove I'm an okay author? 😂

Anyways, stay tuned! 

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