37: A Token Of Appreciation

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"How long do you think I would have to sing for someone to make them permanently insane?" 

The lunch table immediately went silent. Everyone gave Hibiki a look that screamed 'what the fuck'. 

"What?" The boy said, "I was just asking.". He took another bite of his food, trying to ignore his friend's reactions. 

"Um...why are you asking?" Uraraka asked. 

"Well haven't you ever thought about how high you could get someone before they suffocated?" Hibiki said. Uraraka gave him a guilty look. "I just wanted to ask for your thoughts. I also figured Midoriya would have my quirk mapped out pretty well so I could figure it out.". 

"Well you mentioned that the longest you've made someone insane for is what-4 days?" Midoriya said, already calculating things in his head.

"Yeah they got hit by a car and sometimes my singing acts like a sedative but I used it a bit too much and made them unresponsive for a bit. They were in the hospital for a week." He said guiltily. 

"Hey, you did your best." Mirai said. Hibiki nodded begrudgingly. His therapist talked like that too. 

Oh shit. This was exactly the sort of thing he should be telling Dr. Takashi. That was what she was for, wasn't it?

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"Why are you asking that?". 

Hibiki sighed. Was everyone going to react like that? 

"Well I-I just want to know. In case I need to-you know-not do that." He said. 

"What brought this concern on for you?" She asked, readjusting her position in her seat. Settling in, Hibiki realized. They were in for a long session then. 

He couldn't really tell her why, the situation was complicated. 

"You're the only thing that can save him-me-I don't even know at this point.". Kurogiri's tone was gruff and matter of fact but there was an underlying fear. Hibiki knew that fear pretty well. He knew what it felt like to not know who you were. 

"What do you mean I'm the only one? What are you talking about dude?" The teen asked. The alley was secluded, but not so secluded Hibiki wasn't worried someone would walk in on this. 

"When I saved you-it was like I was someone else. Someone with memories." The villain explained. 

"You said 'he' wouldn't let me die." Hibiki remembered, "So you're starting to intact with 'him' a bit more?". The boy could start singing and call for some backup, but he owed Kurogiri for saving his life. He could give him this. 

It was obvious the man didn't need to be arrested. He needed help. His change in attire from the finely pressed suit he had worn before to a hoodie under a leather jacket to hide the smoke that covered his features-if there were any under there-screamed that something had changed. 

"I can hear him and I'm not even sure if he's me or not." The villain breathed out a sigh, "All I know is that your quirk helped. It brought him to the surface. I don't-I can't be this anymore.". He gestured to himself. "I'm a monster but he-he isn't.". 

There was another beat of silence as Hibiki tried to process everything. 

"Please." The villain said, his voice strained. "Your fathers-I want to remember them. I want to remember everything. But I need your help.". 

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