18: Three Strikes And You're Out

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Hibiki had always had luck

The thing about luck is that its both good and bad. When things go badly they go spectacularly badly. Like accidentally becoming a vigilante, or handing out with old friends for one night and having a gun pressed to your head by a crazy bastard with the same eyes and quirk as you. 

You know, bad stuff. 

But when it goes well it goes really well. Better than it does for most people. Which is how he ended up being the only one of his sort of siblings to move on to the next round. (Which made no sense because he was worse than Mirai at most of this and a billion times worse than Hitoshi. He just drew the short straw facing off against Midoriya) 

The train was officially off the rails. Like way off the rails. 

And while he considered and questioned every choice he ever made to get him to this point in life Hibiki didn't notice the door to his training room open. 

"You." The voice said sternly. Hibiki shot up from his position lying across a bench and stared at the doorway. Todoroki Shoto was standing in the doorway, a neutral yet somehow mean look on his face. "This tournament, you didn't enter by accident did you? That deal with Nezu, your father struck it didn't he? Because you didn't get into to U.A the first time you tried." The hero student accused. 

Hibiki stared at him like he was crazy. "Well I mean obviously entering wasn't an accident, I chose to do it. But I did get in because of my dad-I don't even know who my dad is. And I never applied to U.A." Hibiki said, very confused. Todoroki gave him a look. 

"Mr. Aizawa literally introduced you to the class as his kid." Todoroki said simply, "I bet Mr. Aizawa got Nezu to agree to that deal too. You're using your parents to get ahead in the tournament.". 

"First off, you used your father to get into this school. Toshi told me you were excepted by nomination-from your father!" Hibiki said, "Second, Nezu approached Aizawa about the deal because of my time as a vigilante, not because Aizawa's my foster parent. Thirdly, I said foster parent. He's not my dad.". 

Todoroki gave him a disbelieving look. "I'm not dumb. I know Present Mic and Mr. Aizawa are your parents.". Hibiki gawked at the hero student. 

"What part of me looks related to either of them?" He questioned, gesturing to his whole body from the white hair to his body type. Todoroki stood there, thinking for a second. 

"So you're not his secret love child? Absolutely no chance he's your father?" The hero student asked. Hibiki nodded. "Not a snowball's chance in hell that man is biologically related to me." He confirmed. 

Todoroki seemed to question his entire existence for a second. "Whatever." The hero student said, "Just know that this is officially a challenge. If we end up fighting, I will win.". 

"Okay...." Hibiki said slowly. Todoroki basically glared at him. "I will win." The hero student repeated. Hibiki nodded in slow-mo, waiting for the red and white haired kid to leave. 

And he did. Awkwardly shuffling to the door as Hibiki reached for his phone to text Mirai and ask if his arm was okay after his fight with Shiozaki. 

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"Hey, good luck man." Kirishima said, patting Hibiki on the back as he took off his sweater. The boy smiled, grateful for the tension relief. 

"You too. Bakugou's gonna be one tough nut to crack." The white haired teen said. Kirishima smiled, showcasing his sharp teeth. "I'll be okay. I don't know if I can actually beat him, but my best is all I can give, and I'm about to give it to Bakugou." Kirishima replied. 

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