29: Compassion Is The Basis Of Morality

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Hibiki only realized he must have passed out again when he woke up suddenly. He supposed it was another kick to the ribs from the multiple voice psychopath that did it. His ribs felt very broken. 

But it was a sharp, stabbing pain in his upper arm, like a tearing at the bullet wound, that woke him up. His eyes must have been open while he was asleep from the strange feeling in them. Creepy but not unheard of. He did it when he slept rough a few times. 

He flinched and someone immediately put their hand on his ribs. It wasn't a painful grip, more of a steadying so he didn't shift to much. Strangely gentle. 

"Don't move, you'll tear the stitches." A voice said. Hibiki was startled that it wasn't Bakugou. He looked around the dark room and saw that Bakugou wasn't there. The teen swore under his breath. 

He then turned to the person who was stitching him up, speaking before the stars dissipated from his vision and he could see. "What did you do with him?" He demanded, his voice weak and somehow out of focus. 

"Don't worry." The person said, "They wont kill him. Probably wont even hurt him. Not yet, at least.". 

That didn't really reassure Hibiki or answer his question. Finally though, his vision focused enough for him to be able to see his would be savior. 

Kurogiri. The warp villain. 

Once again before he could stop himself Hibiki asked, "Why are you helping me?". 

"Would you rather bleed out?" The villain said, his voice even and unmoving. Hibiki didn't respond, instead waiting for a real answer. Kurogiri huffed and shook his sort of head. "We want you to join us, we can't just let you die.". 

"I'm not that important." Hibiki said. "You only want me because of Kiyoshi. Once you realize that I will never," He emphasized the word, "be like him, you'll wish you'd kill me.". 

"Your survival instincts are subpar." Kurogiri commented, "You should be trying to live. I can stop redoing the stitches at any moment. I could just leave you here to die slowly.". 

"So why don't you?" Hibiki asked again, staring the villain in the eyes. They had a sort of staring contest until the villain eventually sighed and looked away, returning to his work on the boy's arm. 

"Our motivations are very different." Kurogiri deflected, "On a fundamental level we can not understand each other. You do things because they're the right thing to do-" 

"Who said that's why I did things?" Hibiki interrupted. He had a feeling Kurogiri would be raising an eyebrow at him if he had them. 

"Heroes love society." The villain stated, "You do what you do because you want to protect society. How it works, what it does. Although I can't imagine why you want to.". 

"Why can't you?" The white haired boy asked, laying his head back down on the bed so he was in a less strenuous position. 

"They treated you awfully." Kurogiri said. It wasn't a question but a statement. A true one at that. "You were abused, mistreated all for something you can't control. Yet you decided to break the law to protect the same society that cast you out.". 

"I never became a vigilante or a hero student to protect society." Hibiki explained, "I did it to protect its people. No one patrolled my neighborhood. Not the cops, not heroes. Someone had to stop bad things from happening. I didn't even know what I was doing.". 

Kurogiri seemed to consider this for a moment. "What? Are you gonna call me selfish?" Hibiki asked, a bit of humor to his voice. The villain shook his head. 

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