9: Trouble Is My Middle Name

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The teachers at Hibiki's school were going on strike for a day. Something about needing more janitors. Hibiki didn't blame them, after the third one quit in a month the school was a disaster. The teen shuddered at the thought of touching some parts of the place. 

So he was off of school, so was Mirai. But no one else was. Shota and Hizashi weren't home but they had given Hibiki permission to have Mirai over. However, the two had never been homebodies since neither of them had ever really had a home. 

"What should we do?" Hibiki asked, stretching out like a cat across the massive couch. Mirai seemed to think about it for a second. The movie they had been watching was now playing the credits and it wasn't even lunch time. 

"How about we check out U.A?" They suggested. Hibiki thought about it for a second then nodded. 

"We should dress a little better than this. Its a nice school after all and I don't want to embarrass Hizashi or Shota. They've been so nice to me so far." The white haired teen said. Mirai looked at their clothing and frowned. 

"This is all I have besides pajamas and my uniform." They said. Hibiki suddenly broke out into a grin and grabbed his friend's hand. 

"Let me show you something." He said, tugging them upstairs. Mirai followed obediently, not that they had much of a choice. Hibiki was freaking strong, whether he knew it or not. 

Mirai was led all the way into Hibiki's room, which was bigger than the room they had shared together back at Miu's apartment. The boy flung open the closet with a wide smile. "Look at all of it!" He said, his happiness audible in his voice. 

There were so many clothes. Hibiki loved colour, which sucked because all of his old clothes had been black and dark blue so that if they got stained they weren't immediately ruined, but now he had all sorts of colours. "I still can't believe it myself, but they insisted on getting me all these things. They tricked me into picking stuff before buying it all when I wasn't at home." The teen explained, "And the best part? They don't want anything for it. Just asked that I keep following the rules as they are now.". 

It was almost impossible to believe that there were people that kind in the world but after eating with Hizashi and Shota Mirai had a hard time pretending they would be just as mean as all their other foster parents. They were just so damn nice. 

"What are you just standing there for?" Hibiki asked rhetorically, "Pick something to wear!". Mirai stared at the closet with a hesitant expression but Hibiki's smile was so strong and reassuring. 

"You sure they'll be okay with this?" Mirai asked, their eyes zeroing in on a soft yellow sweater that looked so, so soft. Hibiki nodded. 

"If you don't feel comfortable wearing it home you can change before you leave, but I'm pretty sure they want you to stay for dinner so it might not be that practical." Hibiki said. Mirai swallowed and nodded, their shaky hand reaching out to grab the sweater. It was really soft. 

---------- ---------- ----------- ----------- --------- ---------- 

So U.A turned out to be a lot more closed off than the pair had initially assumed. You had to show your student or staff I.D to a scanner at the entrances, so they couldn't get in. 

Well, actually they could. Turns out its really easy to bypass security when one of you has a teleportation quirk. "Why aren't you at hero school?" Hibiki asked, looking around the janitor's closet they had been teleported into. 

Mirai just shrugged, "I don't really have a passion for it, not like you do." They answered, opening the door from the inside. Hibiki stopped for a second, a little shocked. 

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