20: School Isn't That Important....Is It?

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"Are they really not coming?" Mina asked, her tone sad. A cloud of disappointment hung over 1-A when they returned to class and Hibiki and Mirai were nowhere to be seen. 

They didn't win, they didn't even get to the semi-finals, but still. In that one day they had really become part of 1-A, at least to everyone except Todoroki and Bakugou. Bakugou was actively against it and Todoroki didn't really care. 

"I guess Nezu decided it wasn't enough." Kirishima said with a sigh, "I don't know how. Na got just as far as I did.". Mina and Sero nodded sadly. 

The door opened and the class didn't even bother to look up. They knew those footsteps anywhere. "What's wrong with all of you?" Mr. Aizawa asked, setting his teaching material down on his desk. 

"Mr. Aizawa, couldn't you pressure Principal Nezu to let Na and Hayashida in?" Uraraka asked sadly. 

"They really do deserve it." Midoriya added, "When I fought Hibiki during that training exercise we were well matched even though he didn't use his quirk. I know he was a vigilante and broke the law but-" 

"Save me the protagonist monologue." Aizawa said, looking around the classroom. "What do you mean they deserve to be here?". The class got a little insulted at that. People had lost to them! If they didn't deserve to be here after that then none of them did! 

"You should really think higher of them." Iida said, "Even those with criminal pasts can excel in life if given the right opportunities!". A couple of the people around him nodded. Well said. 

"What?" Mr. Aizawa echoed softly, more to himself than to them. "To clarify, they're not here?" He asked. The class nodded slowly, not quite catching on. 

Suddenly a crash was heard at the back of the classroom. 

In through the only open widow in the room and onto a couple desks tumbled three bodies. Mirai stood up first, trying and failing to adjust their tie. They helped Hitoshi to his feet and with a few adjustments his uniform was perfect. 

Hibiki came up last, missing his tie and with a couple of his top buttons undone. 

"I thought it was strange when they said you should be in the room." Aizawa began, his gaze so cold the three teens found themselves shivering, "Especially considering I drove you all to school this morning.". 

"Dad-I mean...Mr. Aizawa?" Hitoshi said frantically but he just shook his head. "Dad, it wasn't my idea. I said we should just take the door but Mirai didn't want to go inside right away because...why didn't you want to go inside again?" he asked. 

"Those people swarmed Hibiki. I didn't want to get swarmed." They said softly. Hibiki nodded, shivering at the memory of his confrontation with 1-B. They had a lot of interesting things to say about him. And they took his tie. 

He loved the uniform. He had so many clothes now, but these felt just as important as that first shirt he bought himself after getting out of the orphanage had. The uniform was precious and he had already lost part of it. 

"Mirai-you can teleport." Aizawa said, pinching the bridge of his nose and hanging his head. The trio looked eyes with a 'oooohhh' sort of expression, like they were just realizing this now. 

"That would have been smarter." Hibiki admitted. Hitoshi flicked him on the shoulder. "That is the last time I let you try to make me mind control a raccoon." The purple haired boy muttered. Hibiki scoffed at him.

"Well excuse me for trying to ask for directions." He said, rolling his eyes. Aizawa gave a long, pained sigh. 

"These are your new classmates, Aizawa Hitoshi, Na Hibiki and Hayashida Mirai. Nezu granted them entrance to the hero program after their exception performance in the sports festival." The teacher said. "They're also all my kids and somehow all exactly like their either other father was in high school despite hearing very few stories.". 

The trio laughed a little, knowing exactly which stories he was talking about. 

"Now, I can't say my kids are a walking advertisement for birth control because unfortunately they're all foster kids or adopted. I can say not to make the same mistakes I did." Aizawa said, "Now take your seats and lets get started.". 

--------- ---------- ---------- ------------ -------------- ------------- 

"Now I'm sure I explained before that you'll be attending internships." Aizawa said, finishing a drawing on the blackboard, "Well here's a visual representation of all the final tournament participants and their offer numbers.". 

"Wow, its completely reversed." Mina said. It was true. Todoroki got so many more than Bakugou did. "Its 'cause Bakugou's a psycho." Kaminari muttered. 

"The fuck did you say?!" The blonde bellowed. "Sit down, Bakugou." Aizawa said, "I'll hand you your offers now. Pick through them and hand in the one you'd like to accept at the end of the day. Those of you with no offers can apply to hero agencies with me at the front of the room in a minute". 

The teacher went up and down the rows, dropping anywhere from massive stacks of offers to one or two pieces of paper. Everyone got a brief message, some more uplifting that others. Bakugou's was just 'choose wisely or I'll have to do damage control'. When he reached the three new desks in the back of the room the trio got incredibly nervous. He smiled surprisingly sweetly as he handed Hitoshi a sizable packet of documents. 

"Your father and I are proud of you, kiddo." He mumbled. Hitoshi looked like he might cry but he turned his attention to the offers instead, leafing through them to find the best.  

Shota gave Mirai a reassuring look while they stared, panicky and anxiety ridden at the massive pile of papers in Aizawa's hands. They really didn't expect any, and they felt awkward with the whole class watching them. 

The teacher smiled a little and put a sizable pile of papers on Mirai's desk. They got about the same number of offers as Kaminari. Somewhere in the 200s. "Good going, kid. I'm glad agencies know talent when they see it." He said before moving on to Hibiki. Mirai stared at the pile in pure shock. 

Now if Mirai was nervous Hibiki was NERVOUS. Yes, it had to be spelled in all caps. 

His quirk was less than desirable. Much less than desirable. In fact Iida had probably put it best when he said 'your quirk is vile'. So he wasn't really anticipating a lot of offers. Maybe one from some crazy pants hero but that's about it. He wasn't even a guaranteed U.A students. Agencies might not even know he was an option. 

"I hope they know what they're doing, taking on a former vigilante." Shota said as he walked off. "Good job, kid.". 

Hibiki was confused. What? Who are they? 

He looked down at his desk and there were offers. Real offers. From real agencies. He must have missed when Shota put them down. Quickly the boy picked the small pile up. Maybe 30 or 40 pages. It didn't matter, what mattered was that people liked him. He figured he would get more attention for going pretty far in the tournament, but he hadn't expected people to actually want him. Especially after seeing him lose control during his match with Tokoyami. 

Now he just needed to pick one. Shouldn't be that hard. 


Who's agency do you think Hibiki, Mirai and Hitoshi are going to? 🧐

I know this one's a little shorter than normal as far as chapters go but sometimes you need to relieve the edge and have some fun. 

I'm going to warn you now, Hibiki's big arc is going to be the hero killer arc. Its not the be and end all of this fanfic (far from it) but it is the biggest deal so far. 

(What I'm trying to say is that this fic was supposed to end after the hero killer arc but the characters need so much more development before we end this story. I just didn't plan for that). 

I mean, come on. Shota and Hizashi are Hibiki and Mirai's parents, but they aren't their dads, if that makes sense. They don't have that familiar bond and closeness that they will eventually (or not, you never know 👀). I've been foreshadowing Hibiki and his time in an orphanage for like 10 chapters without revealing any concrete details, so that has to happen and we haven't even encountered the League of Villains yet! 

There's so much to do! 

Stay Tuned! 

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