31: Look To The Future Pt. 1

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Mirai was days from getting their provisional hero license. 

Needless to say this was not the way they expected their life to go. 

Back when they were just a normal kid they assumed they'd be something cool like a doctor or an artist, maybe a scientist. Normal kid things. Then their parents were arrested. Well after that they limited their options. There was no longer any money for school and they would be shoved into the world without a penny to their name. 

So they decided they'd be something like a secretary or baker. Something practical. 

Then one day a boy named Na Hibiki showed up at the door with his social worker and turned their life upside down. 

Now, months later, they were about to become a semi-licensed pro hero. The shy kid who couldn't even speak to their teachers let along their classmates was about to become responsible for the lives of the people of Masutafu. 

It was...it was a lot. 

Still, there wasn't an ounce of regret in them. Through all of this they had gained a home, a family and a purpose. A goal. Something that redeemed their years behind a muzzle. 

Now Mirai and Hibiki weren't just a pair, they were a trio. Hitoshi was a fully fledged member of whatever weird ass club they had started the night Mirai saved Hibiki from Eraserhead. 

That was another thing. Eraserhead had gone from their adversary, someone to avoid at all costs, to the man that picked them up from school everyday, helped them with homework and let them call him dad. 

Mirai realized abruptly that they hadn't told their real parents any of this. God, saying real parents made it sound like Hizashi and Shota were just placeholders. Okay, bio parents. 

Just because they were in prison didn't mean that Mirai couldn't contact them. There were visiting hours, letters and phone calls. Mirai had stopped calling them for the near year they were selectively mute, sending their last one off the week after Hibiki left. Maybe they were just desperate for human contact, for a conversation. 

Their parents had been pleasant enough but it had become abruptly clear that they didn't know the first thing about Mirai. The questions they asked....they just had nothing to do with Mirai. It was awkward. 

Maybe it was Mirai's fault for not calling them or sending letters or pestering their social worker to let them visit. But maybe, just maybe it was their parents damn fault for breaking the law. 

Existential crisis aside, things were going pretty well. They had siblings, loving parents, a stable career that they loved lined up and they were finally learning how to properly utilize their quirk. Life was good. 

 Except for the whole moving into dorms thing. That was kind of fucking everything up. 

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"So, are you on the girls or boys floor? Or are you in like the crawl space between the floors?" Hitoshi asked. The trio had gathered in his room after they finished unpacking. 

"I'm on the girls floor 'cause there are like twice as many boys as girls. They let me choose though, I just wanted to get away from Mineta." Mirai explained. 

"Or you wanted to be closer to Mina." Hibiki joked. Mirai flushed bright red. 

"I-I don't know what you're talking about." They stuttered. Their siblings laughed. 

"C'mon, you two weren't very subtle at the sports festival." Hitoshi said, "And you've been less subtle since. She's made a playlist for you! Your name had hearts next to it in her phone!". 

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