27: Twists And Turns

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Back when he was a vigilante and didn't know it Hibiki had fought villains in literally anything. His school uniform, stiff shoes and all, his pajamas once or twice. Sweat pants, hoodies, anything. The only thing he brought with him specially was a mask so no one would be able to tell he was a minor wandering around at 3 am or sleeping on park benches. 

Now, in just shorts and a purple t-shirt he felt ridiculously underdressed for a fight. That was an understatement actually. Without his hero outfit he felt naked. 

Yet here he was, his gloveless fist colliding with the boy in the mask. He looked young, probably their age. It was disturbing to think he was already a villain at his age. 

There was a strange scent in the air and Hibiki knew right away what the gas mask kid's quirk was. It was too obvious. 

He wouldn't be able to punch gas or use his quirk too liberally. Driving people insane could either make their quirk shut down all together or go haywire. It was impossible to tell which response you would get with each person. 

So he had to stop him from using his quirk in the first place and the only way to accomplish that would be to get that mask off him. He wouldn't use it if he too was susceptible to whatever the gas did. 

Hibiki landed a kick right in the kids abdomen. He fell back a few step and Hibiki jumped for the helmet, his strength snapping the straps immediately. 

Under the mask the guy had light brown hair and eyes. He looked scared, so very scared. Hibiki felt bad for him in that moment. 

It was that pity that led him to slip up and forget one important detail. 

He had a gun. 

Hibiki heard the noise before he felt anything. He managed to hit the guy again, right in the jaw. The gun hit the ground with a soft thud as the guy passed out. 

Suddenly Hibiki's left arm exploded in pain. He collapsed to the side of the villain, panting heavily. 

Todoroki looked over at his classmate and swore under his breath. 

"As of this moment all students are authorized for quirk combat." Mandalay's voice echoed in their heads. Todoroki wasted no time, neither did Bakugou. The blond blasted the shit out of the magician looking guy and Todoroki raised an ice wall between them. 

Quickly, he made his way over to Hibiki. The bullet pierced his upper arm. It was gushing blood. Hibiki gritted his teeth and pushed himself back into a sitting position, watching as blood dripped onto the unconscious hero next to him. 

"I'm fine." Hibiki said, before Todoroki could even speak. 

"You were just shot." His classmate protested. Hibiki nodded and shrugged, wincing in pain at the action. 

"Duck!" Hibiki shouted. Todoroki hit the ground and a knife embedded itself in a three just two feet to the left of them. 

A lizard looking villain emerged from the forest with some sort of person in a random shirt and sunglasses. 

"What do you say Magne? Think we can take them?" The lizard asked. The person smiled. 

"Oh I'd say so." They hummed. 

The lizard jumped for them and Todoroki shot ice right at them. The lizard cut through part of it so Todoroki just hauled Hibiki to his feet as started running for Bakugou. 

"Where the fuck have you two been?" The blond asked. His eyes zeroed in on Hibiki's arm quickly and he let a string of curse words out. "Think you can take 'em all out with one song?". 

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