41: File It Away

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"But the league said Shigaraki didn't intend to betray us!" Chisaki shouted. "How could you be-". 

"I'm not part of the league." Kurogiri said simply, "Well, the body was, but I wasn't.". He looked over at Hibiki and smiled a little. "You sure get yourself into some sticky situations, huh?" 

"What can I say?" Hibiki said breathlessly, "I'm lucky.". 

"You sure are kid." The purple smoke drained away from the man's face revealing yellow eyes and purple hair. He smiled at Hibiki before raising a warp portal to Chisaki. He tried to manipulate it but it was too late. 

"Where did you transport him too?" Midoriya demanded. 

"Chill, Buttercup." The man said, shrugging the jean jacket he had been wearing off his shoulders, "I alerted the police to the plan before I came down here. Ryukyu and her interns are waiting right outside to slap the cuffs on him and haul him away before we even reach the surface.". 

The heroes in the room were incredibly tense, Hitoshi and Mirai included. 

"You're Kurogiri." Rock Lock said simply. "Right hand man to Shigraki Tomura.". 

"Never really was." The man said simply, "Being a reanimated corpse is funny like that though.". He held out his hand as a gesture of goodwill. 

"I'm Shirakumo Oboro.". 

"You remembered you name!" Hibiki said excitedly. 

"I remembered everything kid." The man replied. "Well, my time post reanimation is fuzzy, but everything before that is clear now. I'm free of All For One's control after all this time.". He looked at Hibiki with fond, borderline teary smile. "And all thanks to you.". 

Suddenly Hibiki was sucked into a portal, reappearing outside the prison of spikes. Midoriya gave him a look that begged for an explanation. 

"Like I said, I'm Shirakumo Oboro, formerly Kurogiri. My body was dug up and used in experiments. All For One brought me back to life, turned me into a Nomu and shoved a few extra quirks in there along the way." The man said, finally able to tell his own story, "I broke through the brainwashing once to save Hibiki from bleeding out while he was kidnapped and approached him again. His quirk fought off the effects of whatever they did to my head.". 

"Shock and awe I'm actually his uncle.".

Midoriya's mouth dropped open at that. "Y-you're really young looking. I don't quite understand..." He trailed off. Oboro just shrugged. 

"So you saved each other?" Hitoshi's pained voice interrupted. Oboro nodded. Hitoshi seemed to consider everything for a moment before looking to Mirai. Mirai looked to Hibiki who nodded wordlessly. "Well fuck man. Welcome to the family. Do our dads know about any of this?". 

---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------- 

Their dads had no idea, obviously. Shota wasn't even with them when all of this happened. The walls, somehow, had absorbed him into them. 

Maybe they hadn't quite finished Mimic off. 

He didn't hear any commotion from the massive caved in chamber anymore, so he decided to make his way to the surface and get help. 

Limping from his injuries, he eventually made it out. 

"Eraserhead!" An emaciated Fat Gum said, rushing over to him. "You alright? We were just gonna go looking for ya.". 

"I'm fine." The man replied, taking a deep breath. "My kids-where are my kids?". 

"Right here." Mirai said, appearing behind him. Shota hugged them without a second thought. "Hitoshi had to go to the hospital. Got impaled in the shoulder. But Recovery Girl's ready for him.". 

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