5: We'll Meet Again Pt. 2

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Tsukauchi knocked on the door first. It was a pretty run down apartment complex, but with their running theory, it made sense that this was the address listed on Na Hibiki's school records. 

The door opened fairly quickly. Instead of a parent or Hibiki like they had expected, it was a little girl who answered the door. The girl had greyish hair and big green eyes. She couldn't be more than 8 years old. Maybe she was his sister? 

"Hello." Tsukauchi began, holding up his badge, "My name is Detective Tsukauchi, I'm from the Masutafu police force. I'm here to talk to Na Hibiki. Does he live here?". The girl stared at them without saying a word and nodded. She then sank back into the apartment and closed the door. 

They could hear a few muffled words between what was obviously the little girl, another kid and an adult. The adult then started shouting, screaming even. A couple thuds and slammed doors as well. There were no words from anyone that sounded like Hibiki had that night, but his words could always be muffled by the door. 

Eventually the door swung open, much more aggressively this time. It was an older lady with a mean looking scowl on her face. She eyed the pair standing outside wearily before gesturing for them to come inside. 

"Hello ma'am. Can I ask your relation to Na Hibiki?" Aizawa asked, holding a pen and notebook already. The woman glared at him. 

"I foster him. If it was an option I would have nothing to do with that." She said, stressing the word. Aizawa felt himself thinking she was pretty much the living 'mean old lady' stereotype. "Sit down." She ordered. 

Aizawa physically and mentally filed away the information that Hibiki was in foster care. It probably explained a lot. 

The pair obliged and sat at the small kitchen table. "Can I get your name for the record?" Aizawa asked. 

"Ichikawa Miu." The woman answered sternly. "What are you here to ask about? What has he done now?". Tsukauchi raised an eyebrow to that. 

"He's been in trouble with police in the past?" He asked. The woman just grunted non-comically. "Never with police, but always with someone. Ever since I've had him." She answered. Aizawa jotted that down. 

"Could you please ask the child in question to come speak with us?" The pro hero asked, "We would like to speak with him before anyone else in the household.". The old woman grunted again and walked over to one of the doors that branched off from the open plan living space. 

"Get out here!" She screeched. Certainly an unconventional tactic. 

The pair watched with unwavering gazes as the door opened a tiny crack and Na Hibiki slipped out. He looked even smaller in the artificial light of the almost windowless apartment. He was strong looking, but he lacked a lot of the mass Shota's own students had. It was a bit concerning. 

The boy cradled his left wrist with his right hand as he stared at them with fear in his eyes. The old woman quickly huffed and opened another door, disappearing behind it. 

If Aizawa had been worried before, he was even more worried now. The state of the apartment was disgusting. It smelled awful, nothing but the kitchen was clean and furnishing was sparse and worn down. Besides that, he was worried about Ms. Miu. Someone so old shouldn't be responsible for even one foster child and he had heard at least 4 voices during that initial exchange that weren't her or Hibiki. 

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Hibiki swallowed as he faced his demise. There was no way they were here for anything other than to arrest him. He had pushed his luck that night and Eraserhead had caught him. That had to be what it was. He shouldn't have taken his mask off while the sludge creature was chasing him. 

"Hello. I presume you're Na Hibiki?" Tsukauchi asked, Aizawa closed his own mouth. He was going to start them off, but the detective had beat him to the punch. The boy nodded and Tsukauchi smiled, gesturing for him to sit down. 

"I'm Detective Tsukauchi Naomasa and this is Aizawa Shota. We're not going to arrest you, at least not right now." The detective said, trying and failing to ease the nerves of the teen. Aizawa nearly rolled his eyes at the detective's approach. 

"We're trying to find out more about you and understand your situation." The pro hero explained, much more adept at dealing with children. "Why don't we start off with some easy questions?". 

Hibiki nodded and steeled himself for an interrogation. "Your last name is korean, is it not? But your first name, the name that was misinterpreted as your 'vigilante name', is japanese. Is there a story to that?" Aizawa asked gently. The boy nodded. 

"Its not really my last name." He began, "Its not Na, its N / A. Not applicable. No one knew my last name so one of the case workers wrote that. It was misinterpreted as Na by someone else and it became my legal last name. I have no idea if my parents are japanese or korean or anything really.". 

"Does your first name have a similar story?" Aizawa continued. Hibiki shook his head. "No, its just my first name. I knew it at the time.". The pro hero nodded understandingly. 

"How did you end up in foster care?" Tsukauchi asked, ever the blunt one. Aizawa had half a mind to kick him under the table. 

"Someone left me at one of those 24 hour daycares. You know, the ones for people with crazy jobs?" The pair nodded and Hibiki continued. "Well it took them three days to figure out that I had been there the whole time since its such a hectic environment. When they did I was taken into foster care. They were unable to find any record of who dropped me off and the daycare didn't have security cameras.". 

"And you were how old at the time?" Tsukauchi asked. "2." Hibiki answered immediately. Aizawa suppressed a wince. Not because that was a young age or anything, 2 was pretty standard for foster care, but because he had been in care since he was 2 and was now 15. No one had adopted him in all 13 years he had been available. 

"Well that's enough questions there." Aizawa cut in, "How did you end up becoming the vigilante Echo?". Hibiki smiled sheepishly, seemingly despite himself. 

"I actually only learned I was Echo yesterday." Hibiki said, his cheeks flushing a little at the memory, "My friend pointed it out and I was shocked. I just thought I ran into a lot of trouble.". 

The pair of professionals couldn't not laugh at that and the three found themselves chuckling. "You have some luck there kid." Aizawa commented. Hibiki just smiled and shrugged. 

"You have no idea.".


So now they've found Hibiki, but the plot doesn't end here! 

They still haven't talked about a lot of things and in no way are Hibiki's vigilante days over 😉

Stay Tuned! 

(BTW I'd like to hear some of your theories about what happens next!) 

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