8: There's More Than Meets The Eye

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It was around midnight when Hibiki left his room. His eyes were glued to his phone where he was messaging Mirai, preparing to meet up at a park near his new home. 

Of course, neither parent had expected him to be out of his room at this time. It wasn't like he had a specific bedtime but it was a school night and Hibiki had announced he was heading upstairs at 10:30. They had assumed he would be up there till morning. 

But no, he walked right down the stairs dressed in a thin pull over sweater (because none of his non-school shirts were clean right now, not that the couple knew that) and a pair of black jogging pants. 

"What's up, kiddo?" Hizashi asked turning away from his music producing program and pulling his headphones off. Shota muted the television in preparation for some sort of talk. 

Hibiki seemed a little shocked that had even noticed. "Oh, I was just going to head out to meet my friend. The one from my last foster home." He explained, walking to the genkan to grab his shoes. 

"At this time of night?" Hizashi said, trying to avoid saying the word 'no'. It could be stressful for foster kids to show up in a new house and find all new boundaries, so it was better to introduce them slowly. 

Meanwhile Shota was worried for a whole other reason. What if Hibiki was sneaking out to do more vigilante work? What if those random attacks really were him? 

"Yeah. Its not that late. I'll be back around 3, so I guess I'll see you guys sometime before school." The 15 year old said, waving to the foster parents before reaching for the door. 

"Hold it." Shota said, not about to let this happen. "Kids like you shouldn't be out this late. You could get hurt, that's how we met, isn't it?" The pro hero said. Hibiki smiled sheepishly. 

"Well yeah, but I promise I'll use the app or call if I see something. They already took a bus over though, so I should hurry up and get to the park to meet them." The white haired teen said, once again reaching for the door knob. 

"A park?!" Hizashi said, his voice distressed. He set the laptop down on the coffee table. "Oh sweetie, you're 15! That's way to dangerous. In fact, no one should be in a park at this time of night unless they're looking to get mugged or beaten up or worse!". 

Hibiki found himself a) blown away by the amount of care the man was showing him and b) wondering what Hizashi did as a job for him to be this paranoid about the world. Maybe it wasn't his job at all but Shota's that made him worried about every little thing. What did Hizashi do for work anyways? Hibiki was pretty sure he had heard the man's name before. 

Suddenly, he was brought out of his thoughts by Hizashi's hand on his shoulder. It was light. Light enough that he could have shaken it off easily if he didn't want the contact, but he wanted it so he didn't move, he just looked up at the blonde man, wondering why he was so worried about Hibiki. 

"I don't want you to get hurt. You're part of the family now, and even if you weren't I wouldn't want you out there. Now what was this about meeting a friend?" Hizashi asked. He changed the topic so seamlessly Hibiki had to be impressed. 

"Mirai is my age, they're from my old foster home. We shared a bedroom. I see them at school but now that we don't live together its hard to meet up." He pointedly omitted the part where he was sure Mirai had a job, which was very illegal. They seemed to be out of the apartment much more regularly than Hibiki was and always had money on them. 

"So they're in the park, right now?" Hizashi tried to keep his tone light but really he was panicking. While they were trying to keep a 15 year old from heading to a park alone at night, there might already be a 15 year old in the park alone at night. 

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