23: Who You Will Become

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What a time to be alive. 

One day you're perfectly normal, enjoying being at hero school and having a real family for the first time in your life the next your psycho biological brother is trying to kill you for no real discernable reason. 

"Move over!" "I can't, there's no space!" "You can! There's like a foot of space between you and the couch. 

Its not really what you expect out of life, you know? And it frustrated Hibiki to no end to know that Kiyoshi had succeeded in making him question everything about himself. The memories he showed him kept playing in his head and making him wonder. Could he really be Hibiki if Hibiki was actually his father? And he didn't look a thing like his dad in that dream colouring wise, what if he looked exactly like their mother? Where did his quirk come from? 

Everything had been confirmed by Tsukauchi a few days ago. All of what Kiyoshi had said was true, they just needed the info to link it to Hibiki to figure it out. His mother was incarcerated in Korea for the murder of his father. 

He already thought he looked weird enough. That's why he didn't want to see any pictures of her. It would be too much. 

"I'm winning!" "Not on my watch! Hibiki, help me beat this guy." "I think he's dead." 

Its just not what he thought would happen when he wanted to find his biological family. He wished he could go back to being the mystery kid who never had a family. He wanted to go back to dreaming about having real parents. He didn't want to grieve for a man he didn't remember without force but at the same time it felt wrong not to. 

"Earth to Hibiki." "Damn he's really dead this time." "RIP. I won't be coming to the funeral." "Its Hibiki we're talking about. He wont be going to the funeral.". 

The two started laughing as they waited for their just dance scores to show up on screen. 

"Do you guys think I need therapy?" Hibiki asked breaking the silence. His siblings snorted. 

"Duh." Hitoshi said. "I had to go to therapy as a kid when my parents were put in jail. Its pretty standard for foster care, don't sweat it." Mirai explained, compassionate as always.

"Are you on my side or not?" Hibiki groaned. 

"Of course we're on your side." Hitoshi said with a grin. "That's why we want you to go to therapy.". 

----------- ---------- ----------- ----------- ----------- --------- ----------

The weather was getting a lot warmer these days as they moved into June. The classroom was heating up too, in its own way. 

"If you had studied this would not be a problem." Iida shouted. Mina groaned. 

"Lay off will you! I had a lot of other stuff going on!" The girl complained. "Yeah, the sports festival was a super busy time!" Sero added. 

"How prepared are you guys?" Kaminari asked, turning to Mirai and Hibiki. The two gave each other a look of fear. 

"Well..." "We didn't exactly have the best school record..." "So we're probably going to do badly.". 

The two finished each others sentences because they both knew they were equally screwed.

"What was it like for you guys before you came to U.A? Like how did you act at your old school?" Kirishima asked, drawing the attention of Izuku and his friends who looked interested in hearing an answer. 

"Um well I was super quiet and got picked on a lot. I was selectively mute so it was a little harder for me." Mirai said shyly. 

"And you Na?" Mina asked, her eyes sparkling with curiosity. Hibiki felt like it was a trap answering the question. He definitely fit the 'slightly mysterious class clown' he had been given at U.A. What didn't fit that was who he used to hang out with and still texts. 

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